Chapter 10 - Livvy

1607 Words

I allowed Gio to lead me up the staircase. His penthouse is beautiful. The view across the city is breathtaking. I don’t think I would ever leave if this place was mine! And I didn’t even like the city… He tugs my hand gently as he pushes open a door, leading me into a modernly decorated bedroom, all in grays and blacks. I could tell from the brief glances around his home this guy had taste. Clearly, he was successful too. Not that that particularly bothered me. My brother was successful too, he could still be a pain in my ass at times… Gio pulled me into his arms, taking all the other thoughts from my mind. He was there in front of me, we were in his bedroom. I think he wanted me. His hand cupping my face as he looked down into my eyes. I looked back with anticipation, waiting for him

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