Chapter 42 - Gio

1750 Words

After Ellie and Sam have finally walked away, I sit myself alongside Livvy on the window seat. I look across at her, but she was still avoiding my gaze. Wonderful. “You feel up to heading back to the car?” I asked. “I am fine. You can go.” She says bluntly. Great. Just what I need. I have just helped her, and she is being off with me, pretty much telling me to f**k off. Well, unlucky for her, it isn’t happening. “Nope, so when you are up to heading back let me know.” I said. “Until then I will just sit and wait with you.” I take my phone from my pocket and start scrolling through emails that need dealing with. I heard an exasperated sigh from Livvy’s direction. I try not to smile. I know I had been a little off with her, so perhaps I deserved all of this. But she had hurt me and

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