Unfamiliar Environment

1039 Words
Aurora was rushed to the Emergency Room immediately they took her to the hospital. Silas was just so concerned about her that he kept asking the doctors if she was okay anytime they got out of the Emergency Room she was in. "She will be fine," the surgeon told him, "she had a minor injury in the head, which has been taken care of, and she will be stabilized soon." Aurora woke up to the beeping of the heart monitor. Everywhere felt strange, and she had a slight headache and could feel some burning sensation around her hips and legs. Unfamiliar with the environment, she finally let herself speak. "Where... where am I?" She murmured, to herself. She couldn't remember a thing, how she got to the hospital or who brought her in. She was still in awe when Silas walked in. He was looking worried for the young lady who was in a critical condition. He had a big smile written all over his handsome face as he walked in and saw that she was now conscious. "You're awake" he said, unable to hide his excitement. She, on the other hand, was just staring at him with an expression difficult to read. "Where am I?" She asked again, this time directing the question to Silas. She was in the hospital. He wondered what sort of question that could be. The right question she should have asked was how she got here, but he discarded the silly thought in a heartbeat the intrusive and insensitive thoughts. "You're in the hospital, you were involved in an accident". He intentionally omitted the information that he was the one who caused the accident and rushed her in. The answer wasn't convincing, she wanted to know who he was and how she got to the hospital because he wasn't a doctor. As if he had read her mind, he finally spilt. "I was the one who saved you. You were involved in a hit and run" She looked at him with displease and cursed him under her breath. He wondered what kind of gesture that was; he needed to be thanked, goddamit... but he made an excuse for her - she was stressed. She tried to place together her fragmented thoughts but she was unable to come up with anything. She couldn't remember anything- not her name, not her family, not even the accident. Everything was a blank. She tried to sit up but the sharp pain she felt behind her back made her groan. Silas with his warm touch, quickly moved to help, adjusting the pillows behind her, just to make her comfortable. "I can't remember a thing; I don't know who I am or where I'm from", she said, her eyes meeting his. "It's all blur" "It's all right; the doctor said you might have some trouble remembering things, but it should get better with time," Silas said, reassuring her. Later that day, Aurora was discharged from the hospital, but without a memory of her past, she had nowhere to go. Silas, who was kind-hearted, made sure everything she needed was provided for; clothes, food and a place for her to stay pending the time she got back her memory. *** "Ding ding ding!" Silas was at the office when his phone sent a notification, breaking through silence. He brought it out and looked at the screen. It was an update from the security team which he had put in place to do some digging. At least, if he was kind enough to allow someone to stay at his place without issues, it was right for him to know about the person's background. Silas inhaled sharply as he went through the files that were sent to him. "Liam Wellesley." That name alone sent shivers down his spine. That was the man who singlehandedly destroyed his father, ripped him off in a business deal and sent him to his early grave. He remembered his father's funeral vividly as if it had happened yesterday. And now, fate had placed his daughter right into his hands, vulnerable and at his mercy. A sweet smile curled up cunningly at the corner of his lips. He knew exactly what to do! When he returned home, Aurora had just woken up from a nap. She rushed down the perfectly looking spiral stairs into the sitting room, welcoming him with a big smile. "You're back," she said, letting out a cute yawn. She had gotten used to his presence and how he made her feel like she wasn't alone. "Yes," he replied, loosening his tie. He sat on his armchair in the grande sitting room. "How was your day?" He used his hand to lay her rough hair, as he leaned forward to hug her. Aurora hugged back. "It was okay, just that I still don't remember anything, it's all still blank." Silas now looking at her with a more serious expression, said with a calm voice. "I was just thinking about how we can move forward from here." Aurora, looking puzzled, started to think what that could mean, but she didn't give it too much thought. "Move forward? What do you mean?" "Yes. You may not remember our life together, but that doesn't mean we can't make new memories." He allowed the words to sink in and watched her reactions carefully, to see if it was making any effect on her. He, however, didn't wait too long before he added. "Your name is Aurora. Aurora Marlowe. My wife." She was in shock as to the new revelation. "Your wife?" He nodded, keeping his expression steady. "Yes. We've been married for two years." She shook her head, sobbing. "I don't remember any of it but why didn't you tell me since I got here?" He was taken aback by the question; he didn't think she would be this smart to have asked, but he maintained his composure. "I didn't want to bombard you with too much information; I just wanted you to heal. You'll get to know me better." He said, heaving a sigh of relief. She, without any doubt, believed what he said; Silas lips curled up in a smile, and his plan was beginning to work.
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