Chapter 4 Work Hard, Play Harder

1298 Words
  Jaxon   I rummaged through the lists of new postings alongside my Beta Don in my office, I rubbed my temples with annoyance. “This is exactly why I had no intention of taking over yet another pack, nevermind the Silver Moon Pack. We have over 5,000 wolves to reassign now”, I grunted.   “As if Max gave you a choice in the matter, he was plucking our guards one by one. Then he openly admitted that he was coming for our pack, The Midnight Pack for f***s sakes! That wolf must have been a complete maniac or ridiculously stupid”, he protested and threw a chair against the wall. The wall now had a massive round hole and three of the metal legs off the chair had broken off. “Alpha”, he stared down in submission, “I’m sorry. I should know better than to let my anger loose”.   Alpha Jaxon chuckled lowly which then turned into a full belly laugh. “Listen Don, there are a few reasons why I don’t want this pack. Although I value your dedication to me over the years, how would you feel about being appointed as the Alpha of Silver Moon?” Beta Don’s eyes widened in amazement at the words he had just heard, just then a single tear fell down his cheek.   “Alpha, while that is the greatest of honours you could have allocated upon me, it is one that I have no desire to see through. I am proud to stand by you as my Alpha, until the day I return to the Moon Goddess”, he smiled apologetically. Suddenly, he c****d an eyebrow staring Alpha Jaxon straight into the eyes. “I realize that this is speaking out of turn sir, but does your hesitancy to take over the Silver Moon Pack have something to do with that girl yesterday?”   Shivers immediately crossed through my body at the sudden mention of her, my mate. I wanted to scream out to the roof tops for everyone to know that she was indeed my mate but I knew better than that. I also owed Beverly for standing by my side to fight through countless battles, overtaking numerous packs and understanding me – for me and for the Alpha I was. She was almost as fierce as I was, she demanded respect in any room she entered. My mate was a meek little werewolf, sexy beyond words though. I was sure that she could make me submit to her with that wet tight p***y that I watched her play with earlier. Just the thought of her made me hard as a rock, a pearl of pre-come soaked through my shorts.   “Don, please. She’s a meek, little werewolf. What impact could she possibly have on a beast like me?” I rolled my eyes as I answered his question.   “Meek, maybe but she’s the most gorgeous werewolf that I’ve laid my eyes on though out of all the packs we’ve conquered. What I would do to have my c**k deep inside her throat…”, Don daydreamed.   A low growl escaped from Alpha Jaxon, “ENOUGH!” he demanded. “I don’t have time to deal with your s*x fantasies Don, these pack lists need to be completed by the end of day.”   Beta Don glared down, sensing that Alpha Jaxon was being uptight over the meek mystery werewolf girl. Alpha Jaxon and Beta Don had been best friends since they were mere pups, chasing each other through the clearing of the forest, dreaming of the day that they would take over their father’s positions. Unfortunately, the elder Alpha had died in a surprise rogue attack. Don’s father, Beta at that time, had stepped down with the passing of the Alpha. He soon died from what was believed to be a broken heart from the passing of his Alpha. His mother passed soon after that over the loss of her mate. Alphas had that effect on their packs, their wolves became one with their Alpha. They swore to protect their Alpha family at all costs, just as an Alpha would swear to take care of all the wolves in his pack.   “Look Jax, I’m talking to you as your best friend here. I think the planning of the mating ceremony with Beverly and the stress of attaining another pack is really getting to you. I can’t watch you deteriorate like this; our pack needs a strong leader. Some of the Deltas and Enforcers are going to the Lone Wolf tonight for drinks, I really think you should come” explained Beta Don.   Jaxon paused for a moment, he really didn’t have time to waste going out to a bar and watching the other werewolves get sloppy. Don was right though; he acknowledged to himself, Beverly was driving him nuts with obsessing over all the details with all the planning of the mating ceremony and soon after, her official coronation as Luna. Not to mention, acquiring a new pack and of course his meek little mate. He had a feeling that his best friend was going to force him out either way.   Admitting defeat he shrugged his shoulders, “Fine Don, but I’m leaving at exactly midnight. You know I don’t have the energy for this s**t right now”.   Don let out a smirk while extending his arms in a forward air punch, “YES! Think of it as a wolf version of your bachelor party. Even though I've told you before that mating Beverly is the wrong decision, Luna material or not. You should wait for your true mate, f**k what the rumours say. The Moon Goddess would never do that to any wolf, your mate is probably taking her sweet time to find you. Just as stubborn as you are, I imagine. The guys are going to be so amped to hear that you’re coming though”. Jaxon smiled, it’s been a while since he’s seen his friend so excited about anything. It’s been a trying few months, that’s one thing that they could both agree on.   It seemed that Jaxon’s agreement to attend his so-called bachelor party tonight made Don aggressively efficient to finish up their work for the day. He must’ve been really excited to let loose, Jaxon pondered. Jaxon locked up his office and strolled down the dimly lit hallway to his bedroom. After a cold shower spent thinking about his mate and what he one day wanted to do to her, he stood naked trying to figure out what to wear. He sighed thinking about how he would rather stalk out of her bedroom again, maybe he’d catch another show. Shivers shot down his spine at how perfectly his name rolled off her tongue as she touched herself. His closet was bigger than some of the pack rooms in the pack house, perfectly organized dress shirts hung by colour. He scoffed at the sight, overbearing was one way to put it. Beverly lived through organization, claiming that the key to keep a pack organized is to start within themselves as Alpha and Luna.   He pulled out a black dress shirt and threw it on, “too Alpha”, he thought. He then tried on a white, slim dress shirt that outlined every muscle in his body and thought, “too Alpha desperate”. He stumbled across a red dress shirt and paused for a minute. He thought about how it was supposed to be a fun night out, he also didn’t want to intimidate his pack – Alpha or not so he settled on the red dress shirt feeling as if it made him look more playful.
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