Chapter 2 Dirty Little Secret

965 Words
  Jaxon   “Mate!”, my wolf whimpered. I tensed knowing that my sweet little mate’s icy blue eyes were probing at me, feeling the pain sear through her chest as I was engulfed deep in a kiss with Beverly. My wolf wanted to toss Beverly into the crowd and envelop my true mate. When I gripped her chin, I felt an electric sensation radiate through my body, deep into my bones. Her long dark hair made me want to swift my hands through it and thrust into her harder with each push until I had her begging me to stop. Her petite hourglass frame made me wonder what was underneath that white dress she was wearing, the scent of her wetness was making it difficult to hold my wolf in place. He wanted her, I wanted her, but I knew we couldn’t have her.   I swallowed hard, astonishment swept through my core to know that the rumours were in fact, wrong. My wolf was thrilled to have found his one true mate and was clawing to come out to proclaim to every wolf that he had found her, pride written all over him that the Moon Goddess had blessed us. He scolded me when I refused to let him surface, it was too dangerous and we both knew it. I knew he wouldn’t calm down until he had her.   She was gorgeous with her deep Artic blue eyes, I could stare at them for the rest of eternity. I had never seen anything such a gorgeous colour before and they belonged to my mate – the wolf made just for me. She had the curves that could make any wolf halt in his tracks, her perky breasts made me want to rip her dress off and ravish onto her hard, taut n*****s that I could see were hard for me. Her scent overtook me with nodes of rich vanilla, caramel and a touch of pine, she smelt like the most delicious cake to ever be made. Just when I thought there was a scent that couldn’t be more delicious than hers, I smelt her wetness dripping down between her thighs. It took every damn thing inside of me to hold myself and my wolf back. All I could imagine is how she would taste and I would eventually taste that tight p***y of mine, even if I knew I couldn’t have her.   Beverly wasn’t my true mate but she knew how to ride a c**k with ease, she was also the most fierce she-wolf that I had ever laid eyes on. She not only understood my ways, but she also supported them. Long ago I began to believe the rumours were true, that I actually was not gifted a mate by the Moon Goddess. I knew it was true that I was a cruel Alpha and that there was indeed a cloud of darkness that constantly surrounded me. My reputation held many truths within it. I was young and didn’t understand what it took to reign as alpha; I became an Alpha at the mere age of 18. Two years later, I had learned many difficult lessons as a leader that another wolf wouldn't have had to learn until much later in their wolf life.   A group of rogues killed my father in an attack while I had Beverly’s mouth swallowing the come from my pulsating c**k. I had turned off the mind link during that time as the pressures of preparing to be an Alpha one day and my father’s constant criticism were getting to me. It is a tortuous regret that I will forever have to live with; I knew I would have been able to save him. I knew I was the strongest wolf in the entire US. Since that day, I vowed to forever keep my pack safe regardless of who it was targeting them or how brutal my actions would have to be. Their safety was my one and only duty. My sheer childish behaviour may have taken the life of my father, but I knew for certain, it was not going to take another wolf from my pack.   As many of the wolves from the neighbouring pack that I had just conquered rejoiced and celebrations engulfed the streets, I felt the raw worry and fear pour out of them as they submitted to their new Alpha whom they thought was a complete monster. I didn’t need more land, wolves or power, or whatever they thought I longed. I was content with what my pack already had. It was their goddamn Alpha who was slowly taking out my guards from our border in hopes to weaken me. Silly old man, he truly was. If only his wolves really knew the kind of leader he was, he so easily fooled them as he spread stories about how they were lucky to have him because their reality could have been worse and they could have had me instead.   In hopes to plead with the Moon Goddess, I had tried to become a more compassionate Alpha. I issued Alpha Max two warnings already, I had no intentions that this would have escalated as far as it did. So much for behaving neighbourly towards each other, a smart Alpha would have tried to set up an alliance with the most powerful pack in the country. When he admitted to his scheme and confessed that he had no plans to stop until all my wolves were dead – he left me with no choice. It was an act of war. He wasn’t going to harm any of my wolves and I wasn’t going to let them down, the same way I let my father down that day when he was ravaged by the rogues.
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