Chapter 6

1277 Words

6 BOYD “You feel so f*****g good, Doc,” I murmured against her ear when I finally broke the kiss. “You feel feverish.” I nipped her earlobe. “Hot all over. What other symptoms you got? Dampness between your legs?” I ground my hardened d**k against the apex of her thighs once again. “Jesus, Boyd.” Her head fell back against the wooden boards. She sounded breathless. I wanted to roll on a condom and sink into that delicious heat, but I wasn’t going to. For one thing, I was supposed to be injured. For another, this wasn’t for my pleasure—it was for hers. I eased her away from the wall, so her feet came down, then worked the button on her jeans. “I’m going to need to give you a thorough examination, Doctor.” I inched her zipper lower at the same time I nibbled along the side of her neck.

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