Chapter 3

1759 Words

3 BOYD I blinked, looked around. Where the f**k was I? Sterile walls. Beeping monitors. Antiseptic scent. s**t. No. I couldn’t be in a hospital. I’d barely gotten scratched when that bull nicked me with his horn. It had hurt like f*****g hell, but it hadn’t been so bad. Just a little blood loss. A big hole in my chest. I’d seen Audrey in the stands—my wolf ready to show off for her—and was prepared to focus on the ride, all eight plus seconds, and then get back to her. Get in her. But then I’d seen Abe set his hand on her shoulder, and I’d focused on that. The way his fingers lightly gripped her. Felt her heat, could breathe in her sweet scent. I’d thought of that, only that. Not the big ass bull I’d been riding on. Was she interested in Abe? Had she liked his touch? I’d wondered about

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