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Somewhere on the outskirts of Ashurst, a village in Southampton. A man was seen running through the forest whizzing around the forest at the speed of lightning. He was out to enjoy the great sunny weather. A boy with golden hair was seen running behind him. The boy was trying so hard to catch up but he got distracted as he looked around, admiring the forest. The forest was oak-brown and primitive. The grass was golden and dry. They crackled as their feet touch it because of the recent dry season. The birds also chorused happily at the sweet weather. They jumped from one tree to the other as they celebrated the new season. One could hear the happy song of the wind as it whooshed from around the forest, sending happy vibes to everything they came in contact with. "Wow!" The boy exclaimed, amazed by the height and majesty of the trees. He had completely forgotten that he was running to catch up with his father. His feet halted as he touched the trees and trailed his hands on them. "Thaddeus!" The man called and he returned to stand by the boy. "Yes, Father?" Thaddeus answered, but his eyes never left the trees around him. He was staring at them as if he had just seen the most amazing thing. "Why did you stop?" The man raised his head to view what his son was looking at. "Aren't they beautiful?" Thaddeus muttered. "Of course, son, they are beautiful." The man concurred. Thaddeus was visiting the forest for the first time. Due to a prophecy given during the time of his birth, Thaddeus's father, Magnus, made sure to keep Thaddeus away from him. He was raised across the seas with his mother. Thaddeus had returned to his father because his mother had died. Magnus decided to take him to the forest to train him on how to use his powers since he was turning ten soon. Thaddeus ran from one part of the forest to the other, he stared on in awe at the beauty of the forest. "Enough of admiring. Let's do what we came for." Magnus took Thaddeus's hand and led him to the dense part of the forest. "Are you ready?" "Always," Thaddeus beamed. "Good." Magnus smiled and immediately attacked Thaddeus. However, despite trying to catch him off guard, Thaddeus was able to fight back effortlessly. "Good," Magnus nodded in satisfaction. "You're good, Thaddy." "Thank you, father." "Did your mother train you? "Yes," Thaddeus nodded. "Great," Magnus patted Thaddeus's golden hair. "But Son, I haven't brought you here to train you in combat but to teach you how to use your powers." "Powers?" Thaddeus repeated. He didn't understand what his father was talking about. "Yes, Son." Magnus nodded. He knew that the boy was surprised by his words. Even though Magnus wished that he wouldn't have to tell him all this, he couldn't help it. With the demon fast approaching, the boy has to know what he is. "What powers?" Thaddeus asked. "First let me show you this." Magnus closed his eyes and his claws elongated. He opened his eyes and they turned grey. He attacked Thaddeus and clawed at his heart. "Father?" Thaddeus looked down at his chest and back at his father. "Why?" "Watch it," Magnus pointed at Thaddeus' bleeding chest. Thaddeus looked down and noticed that his heart had returned to its place and the wound closed up as if nothing had happened. "How? Thaddeus was stunned. "Why didn't I feel weak when you plucked my heart? Thaddeus asked in amazement. Everyone knew that even the strongest WereLion would die when his heart was struck. "Because you're an immortal." "Immortal? Meaning, I can't die?" "Yes Thaddy, nothing can kill you," Magnus stated with pride. He was proud to have been bestowed a son like Thaddeus. He is the first Alpha WereLion born with a golden heart. "What about you? Thaddeus asked. "I'm not an immortal. My heart isn't like yours and I could be killed with a blazing dagger." "Blazing dagger? Thaddeus was finding it hard to understand all his father was saying. "This." Magnus brought out the dagger and showed it to him. Thaddeus took the dagger from him and took a thorough look at it. "How can this kill you?" "Because it was forged from the blazing sun tree." "But the sun is our strength, isn't it? Thaddeus couldn't understand why an object forged from the sun could kill him. "Yes, the sun is our strength as well as our weakness," Magnus explained. "How so?" "Watch this." Magnus took the dagger and stabbed it into Thaddeus's chest. "Arrgh! Thaddeus cried out and held his father's hand. Magnus slowly pulled out the dagger from Thaddeus's chest. His eyes were fixated on the hole in Thaddeus's chest and they both watched it burn until it closed. "Urrgh!" Thaddeus groaned painfully as the hole closed up completely. "See that? Magnus smiled proudly as he watched this. He raised the dagger to stab himself, but Thaddeus stopped him. "Father! "Don't worry, Son, I won't stab my heart", Magnus slowly took the dagger from Thaddeus. "I'll just show you the effect of the dagger on me." Magnus immediately stabbed himself in the lap with the dagger. He staggered backward and fell to his knees. "Father! Thaddeus pulled the dagger out and threw it away. "Why did you do that?" His young heart was gripped with fear. He was afraid of losing the only person he had left in the world. "It's okay, I will be fine in a few days." Magnus smiled and pointed at the dagger. "You have to keep it safe with you." "Why should I keep that safe when it's going to kill you?" "No one else must have it but you, because whoever has it holds the key to my life." "Okay." Thaddeus picked it up and hid it. "Let's go back. It's getting dark." Thaddeus shifted into a human and he took his father's hand. "When will we come back?" "We'll keep coming until you know how to use the power of your golden heart, then I'll teach you how to suppress your blood thirst. "Bloodthirst?" Thaddeus' feet halted. His eyes searched his father's. "Why will I be thirsty for blood? "That is because you're special Thad." Magnus ruffled his hair. "What do you mean? Thaddeus was frightened by his father's sudden silence. He could feel his father's reluctance and he knew that the secret must be huge for Magnus to feel reluctant to tell. "Listen to me Thaddy." Magnus leaned forward and whispered. "You have the blood of a vampire running in your veins?" "What?! Young Thaddeus jumped. "How can I be a vampire? Are you not my father?" "Of course son, I'm your father and you are my son; nothing can change that." Magnus wrapped Thaddeus in his warm embrace. He could tell that the story was overwhelming for his young mind. "But father, if I am a vampire, then how did I become a Lion? "Because you are my son," Magnus replied with a smile. He wouldn't tell Thaddeus the secret behind his birth. "You are a gem, Son. The only lion born with a golden heart." "But...." Thaddeus was about to ask more questions, but Magnus cut in with his response. "With your heart... You can summon the souls of the past lion kings. Whenever you go to battle, Thad, always remembers that you're not alone. You battle with the strength of a thousand Lions." "Why is that? Thaddeus asked. His heart was heavy. The topic was complicated and he didn't seem to understand a thing. "Because you are the next alpha." "I'm the alpha?" Thaddeus' eyes widened. He didn't understand the story at all. He could tell that there was more to what his father was telling him. If he has the blood of a vampire on him, how can he be a werelion? "Yes, Thaddeus." Magnus squeezed his shoulder. "You are the next Alpha WereLion." "Huh? Alpha? Thaddeus shot his father a quizzical look. Now that is unbelievable. A vampire? and also an alpha WereLion? How is that possible? "Yes, Thaddeus," Magnus nodded. "You are the chosen one. The one who will unite our kind?" "Unite our kind?" Thaddeus sighed. Things are a lot more complicated than he thought. Magnus smiled, seeing his clueless expression. He knew that it will take some time for him to understand it all. He placed his hand and gave him a reassuring smile. "Thaddeus, Son, you are the Lion King."
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