Chapter 2

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“Well don’t you girls look nice,” Estella said, fixing the necklace around my neck. My mom had given it to me on my 16th birthday, a crescent moon with a bright blue opal that glowed in the moonlight. She said it has been passed down for generations. “Thanks mom. We’re going to head out,” Celeste gave her a hug. “Okay you be safe” “We will,” I smiled. “Where’s Aster?” Celeste asked. “He went out with some friends” Celeste looked a little disappointed as we left. “Everything good?” I asked, closing my door to the car and buckling up. “Yeah. I was just hoping to see how Aster was going to react” “I’m telling you he doesn’t see me that way” “Oh you sweet innocent child,” she caressed my cheek. “Shut up,” I brushed her hand away, giggling. She started the car and we were off. The Sticks was a bit of a drive, mostly because you had to go slowly through the brush and avoid any potholes that could take out your front tires. We could already see the light in the distance from the fire and when we rolled down our windows we could hear the chants and laughs of excited teens. The smell of blazing wood filled the air, reminding me of our camping trips when we were younger. “We made it!” Celeste excitedly bounced in the car as she put it in park and unbuckled, hoping out just as quickly. It looked like the whole school was here. Many unfamiliar faces across the sea of people that filled the tall grassy field. “Come on, let's go and mingle,” Celeste smiled, opening my door and pulling me out. Leading me by the hand we made our way through the crowd and closer to the fire. “Celeste!” Some classmates shouted for her. I bent down and reached into a cooler when I felt someone place a hand on my hip as they stood right behind me. I straightened up and turned around ready to yell at the person who decided they could cop a feel. I was a little taken aback by the handsomeness of him that I had completely forgotten why I was mad. “Sorry,” he said, “I was just hoping to get a peek inside the cooler, but,” he looked me up and down, “I think I found something I like” I blushed, opening my drink and taking a sip. “Would you like to dance?” “I can’t dance,” it felt like my head was going to pop from how much blood was flowing to my cheeks.. He chuckled. “Don’t worry,” he placed a hand on my hip, “I’ll show you” With his arm around my waist he guided me towards the pounding beat of the music. I haven’t danced since 8th grade and was starting to feel self conscious. He could obviously tell and leaned in close to my ear. “Just follow me,” he pushed himself against me, holding my hips as he guided me around. It didn’t take long till I was swaying my hips to the rhythm of the music on my own, but he never took his hands off of me. His hand on my left hip moved up my back while the other strolled down to my ass, grabbing a handful. His face had nuzzled in the crook of my neck when I felt a slight pain on my flesh as if I had just been scratched. suddenly someone else’s hand had pulled my shoulder back, making me stumble into a hard chest. When I peered up it was the last person I expected to see here. “Do you mind keeping your hands off someone else’s girl?” Aster said. “Really? She didn’t say she was someone’s girl,” the stranger grinned. “I’m not” I replied. I could feel Aster's grip tighten. “I’m not going to tell you again,” a rumble in his chest as he glared at the guy. “I’m not looking for a fight,” he put up his hands, and nodded at me with a sly smirk, “guess I’ll see you around,” he said, backing away. I gave him a feeble smile as he walked away. “Do you mind? That’s starting to hurt,” I smacked his hand. He stared off at where the guy had left. “Hello? Aster?” I waved my hands in front of his face. “What are you doing out here dressed like that?” His voice was deeper with a hint of irritation. “Like what?” I shoved him away, crossing my arms. He looked like he was struggling to find the right thing to say. This was a first for me. Aster was the kind to always speak what was on his mind. “You forgot this,” he wrapped a blue flannel around my waist. “This isn’t mine” “It is for tonight” He looked me up and down like the guy had done before, but when his eyes looked up at my face they began to darken. Did I have something on my face? Aster gripped my chin and turned my head, staring at my neck. The fury on his face was something I have never seen before and it was frightening me. “Let go!” I tried to push him away. He gripped my hand and pulled me away from the music and crowd of people. When did he become so strong? How have I never noticed how tall he really was? I had to jog a bit just to keep up with his stride. We had just gotten under a big oak tree and were pretty far away from the fire and everyone else when I finally yanked my hand from his vice-like grip. “What the hell is your problem?” I massaged my aching hand. “You” “Excuse me?” “You’re my problem!” He raised his voice like he was scolding a child. “What the hell did I do to you!” I raised my voice to match his. “I leave for a year and come back to someone I don’t even recognize” “Do you even hear yourself? Nothing your saying makes sense” “You’ve been talking to other guys, joining activities you’ve had no interest in and now,” he gestured to my outfit, “all of this? Since when have you ever been comfortable in anything like this?” “Since always. I just never get a chance to dress up” “That’s bullshit and you know it” “What the hell does it matter to you?” My anger grew deep down in my chest, “you’ve never cared about what I’ve done or who I’ve talked to. Now I get a little attention from someone else and you-“ For the second time tonight my mind went blank. Aster had stopped my rant with a kiss. His soft lips pressed against mine as his hands held the side of my face. After a few seconds he parted from me, still cradling my head. “I’ve always cared, always watched. You are one of the most important people in my life. How could I not” My brain felt fuzzy. I could hear what he was saying but it just wasn’t registering with me. I could feel my knees getting weaker and I had nearly fallen when he wrapped his arms around me to keep me steady. He took a deep breath in before sitting down and resting his back against the tree, pulling me down so I was straddling his lap. “I hate that I can smell his cologne on you you,” he lifted my chin up, “and that he left a mark on you” A mark? “What?” I sat up feeling around my neck and chest. He grabbed my hands and pulled them down to my side, leaning in and pressing his lips to my neck. I felt his tongue run across my neck, sending a shiver down my spine. My mind was fuzzy as he placed gentle kisses on my neck. My head fell back giving him more access when he bit down, making me moan. I was surprised to hear that sound come out of me, clasping my hands over my mouth. I stared at him in horror. I just moaned from my best friend biting my neck. “God I’ve always wanted to hear you make those sounds,” his hands ran up my thighs, undoing the buttons in my shorts. “Can I?” He looked up at me, begging me not to run away. I couldn’t say no to anything he asked me. The most I could do was muster up a nod. His left hand rested on the back of my neck, pulling me into a kiss while his right slid into my shorts, pushing my underwear to the side as his fingertip grazed my clit. I gasped at his touch. My hands gripped his shirt. A groan escaped his lips as his finger slid between my dripping folds. Allowing him to slide his middle finger deep inside of me. I moaned as he moved his finger inside of me. My hips, moving on their own as they grinded against his hand. He used his free right hand to knead at my breast over my shirt. “You’re so tight. I can feel you trying to pull my finger deeper” I could feel my stomach tightening. What was going on? “Aster,” I said breathlessly. “You know how long I’ve waited to hear you calling my name?” His endless thrusting into me was making me lose all self control. I was about to reach my limit when we heard a twig snap nearby.
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