Chapter 6

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3 years had gone by and I wasn’t as lost as I was before. I had made some really good friends while I worked at the restaurant and many of them were just saving up to move on to bigger and better things. It was as though I was getting left behind and I knew this wasn’t what I wanted for my life. Which was a constant reminder from my parents when they would call every Sunday night. I have a good chunk of money saved up now , but no idea what to do with it. I had everything I needed right here in my studio apartment. My parent’s suggested I take a small trip somewhere. Just to get out of my own head for a while. But traveling was never my thing. That was always Celeste’s dream. She wanted to go and see the world try new things. I was a little closer to my father and he was the one who called me randomly Monday night, during a shift I had picked up at work. I had to take a break because he normally wouldn’t call me out of the blue unless it was an emergency. “Hey dad, what’s going on?” “Just calling to check up on you sweetie” “Oh. Well I’m fine. No different than yesterday when you and mom called,” I giggled. “That’s right,” I could almost hear him facepalm himself. “Is everything okay?” I asked again. “Yeah, kiddo. I just… I just wanted to make sure you were okay. I know the 3 year anniversary is coming up and… I guess I just want to make sure you’re doing well,” Silence rested through the phone, “you know you don’t have to punish yourself over this. It wasn’t your fault” “Dad-“ “Now hear me out. I know it’s been hard on you, but why not try and go on a trip. One that Celeste would have wanted to go on. Live your life for the both of you. This isn’t what she would’ve wanted for you. She wouldn’t want to see her friend throw her life away” I understood this all came from a place of love, but I was in the middle of a shift and needed to go back. And I wouldn't be able to face anyone in there if I had mascara dripping down my face. “I have to go,” I said a lot harsher than I wanted it to sound. “Just think about it sweetie. I love you” “Love you too” I hung up the phone, taking in a deep breath. The tears stinging at my eyes. I walked back in and was almost instantly overcome with the emotions I had been trying to hold back all these years. My manager had seen me in this state during the first anniversary of Celeste’s disappearance. She told me to go home back then and decided to do the same today. I walked home along the same street down the same road and passed the same stores. I was stuck in a rut. Maybe my parents were right. I needed a change of pace. A car had gone by, blasting its music loudly. I held my hair down as the wind swept all around me. Pieces of litter flying all around. Disgusting, I thought. I started picking up the larger pieces when one of the colorful fliers caught my eye. It looked like a help wanted sign. It was a little weather worn, but I could faintly make out the number and the small bit of writing on the bottom. ‘Looking for a way to travel the world and get paid for it? Want to meet new and interesting people from all around the world? Call our representative and join our crew today!’ I shook my head. The thought of calling the number above crossed my mind. I tossed the rubbish in the closest bin and walked away. Something was nagging at me the further I got from the trash bin I tossed the flier in. I groaned as I jogged back, carefully picking it out from all of the garbage around it. Pulling out my phone I quickly typed in the number. My thumb, hovering over the call button. Was this what I really wanted to do? Calling to get more information wouldn’t hurt right? Pressing down I held the phone up to my ear. Listening to the ring. My anxiety started crawling all around my skin, hoping someone wouldn’t answer. “Orion Enterprise, this is Kori. How May I help you?” “Hi, my name is Nova. I saw your flier and was calling to get some more information” “Fliers?” “Yeah. I just saw it while passing” “We haven’t had fliers in for a few years now, but all of our information is online if you’re looking to find a career in our company. I would be more than happy to send you the link” “That would be wonderful” After giving Kori my email and receiving the link I went home to find out more about this on my own. Orion Enterprise was a luxury yacht cruise line. They had many openings and mostly for stewardesses. They paid for all the training and your meals, during the trips, except for when you were docked. The only thing I needed was a passport and my clothes. I filled out an application and sent in my resume. I know it wasn’t the same as vacationing, but it was something different. The next few weeks had gone by and I hadn’t heard a word back from Orion Enterprise. I was beginning to lose hope when I got an email from Kori early in the morning about my contract. I was confused since I never got an interview. I looked over the contract and before I knew it I had sent a signed copy back to her. I had a meeting with her to get a few required documents in their system. I would also have to travel down south about 4 hours away and get a hotel while they get everything together for me. This was definitely a big change and although it made me nervous as hell I felt a thrilling excitement attached to it. I began packing up most of my belongings. I would have to find a place to store most of my things, till I sold it or donated it. The apartment was already paid for the month so I had some time. Things were definitely looking brighter for my future.
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