You're taking All The Mean With You

1467 Words
Chiodos- Is It Progression If A Cannibal Uses A Fork? Dante: David is talking to the rancher about Liquorish's preferences as I take apart the braid I weaved her mane into to give her the waves I wanted. She seems calm today. I know she got some sleep after I left the barn last night. I can't stop thinking about Villanueva. The way she looked at me last night when I pulled a sliver of her essence into me. I've never felt anything like that. It took everything in my power to stop myself from bending her over that f*****g picnic table and f*****g all of that fire right out of her. I can still feel it tangled in my muscles and it was just a tiny sliver. Had it been anyone else, they would have thrown themselves into my arms and begged me to take more, but not her. No, not Ashley Villanueva. What the f**k is wrong with that girl? Where the hell did she come from? There's an undying rage inside of her. If I didn't know any better, I'd think she was a devil, maybe even a crow. Her focus is beautiful. The way she plays the piano is out of this f*****g world. The fear in her eyes when I pulled from her is something I've always wondered why these crazy-ass little rich girls don't have. She knows there's something wrong with me. She knows that she should be scared. Her instincts are on f*****g point. The only other human I met that was scared of me when we first met was David. He still is, but he lives for it now. "Why can't I get her out of my head?" I press my head against my horse. She lets out a huff. "You're right. You're the only girl for me," I rub her head. "You ready to show that big-footed b***h up today, my love?" "Keep talking to the horse like that and all the girls are going to run away from you, Danny," David laughs from behind me. "If it were only that simple," I scoff. "What did Kelly say?" "Vic's got the feds on him and a crow," "What crow?" "Widow," "Widow is in New City?" he shakes his head. "That's not good," "Yeah, Daniels is going to have to find somewhere closer to home to feed. If Kels keeps her assistant on Academy turf, he's not going to mind. Especially now with Carter gone." "You mean Ashley?" he smirks, coming over to help me with Liquorish's hair. "You were kind of wild last night. Did you-" "I just got a taste. I wanted to see what she's made of," I shrug. "A little sliver?" he laughs. "What's the verdict?" "She's-" f*****g fire. If just a little taste had me going the way it did, I can't imagine what it would feel like to have her under me as I f**k her into my-no. That was an awful thought. I've never taken a girl into my bed. "Fine," "Fine?" he laughs. "Yeah, she's got a lot of anger. One track mind," I nod. "You know you can tell me the truth, Danny," he smiles. "You don't have to bottle it up," "Yeah, I just-I don't want her in my way. That's all. She's not some little princess for me to ruin. Whoever the f**k she is, she's already ruined. Not my cup of tea. She killed four of Vic's guys today." "What? Why?" "Kels ordered her too," "And she just did it?" "Yeah, she said it took her a minute to process it but that she's fine now. Fresh as a daisy," "What does Kels want with her?" "She's our way into the Southside. Chavela has that s**t on lockdown, but with Ashley running for us, we've got a way into the gentlemen's club and their chop shops," "No offense, but that girl looks like she couldn't hurt a fly. I don't like her and it's not because she's Southside. There's just something about her that rubs me the wrong way." "Then have her rub you the right way," I laugh. He glares at me. "All right, all right. Yeah, she strikes me as someone who has secrets. A lot of them. I don't know what she did to get on Jimenez's good side, but it wasn't easy to take her off his hands. He let me have her because it was me. I had to double what she owed him," "Seriously? Why?" "Kelly really wanted her. You know how Kels is when she wants something. Besides, she's been good these past few months. Nothing too gory. That's how you reward good behavior, D. Per your request, mind you," "I'm sorry. Are you rewarding her because she calmed down after her beheading binge two months ago?" his eyebrows are scrunched together tightly and his tanned skin is tinted with the flood of heat and anger. I love it when he gets riled up like this. "David," I reach out to cup his cheek. It takes him a moment but he finally gives in. "Kels isn't like the rest of us. She's been binge-feeding since her devil was awakened. How we feed now barely scrapes the edges of her hunger. She's behaving and, right now, she's got her focus on the girl. Relax," "What if she kills the girl like the last one?" he asks. "You remember what she did to Jenny, right?" "That wasn't because she was hungry. Jenny lied to her. I've already spoken to Kels about feeding like that. I took care of it." "Danny-" "Drop it, David," I pull away from him. He lets out a heavy sigh as I cut the connection between us. "Kels is a lover. She loves things a little too much and when those things turn on her, she gets rid of them in the most painful way she can. I told you not to get too deep into her business. You're with me. Not with her. I don't like it when you obsess about her affairs. It makes me feel a little possessive," "Danny, you know I'd never touch her, right? I'm here for you," "That's not what I'm worried about, D. I don't like your attention on anyone else but me. That's the only business you have here. Me. What I want. What I need. Everything else can f*****g burn for all I care. Kelly, the stone, the business. How many times do I have to tell you? It's just us." "Yeah," he sighs. "You're right. I'm sorry. I just get caught up in all of it." "I know," I step away from him as he reaches for Liquorish's mullen. "I'll ready her up for the trainer to put her in the trailer. Have you thought about moving into the dorms?" "David-" "You're there all the f*****g time," he finally snaps. "What scares me the most is your drive from the school to the house in the middle of the f*****g night, Dante. They've taken shots at you before. This new girl has f*****g cartel-hitmen watching her. They're not going to f*****g stop because you paid for her. Where is your f*****g head?" "Okay, okay," I grin, putting my hands on his shoulders. "Calm down. You really want me to stay in the dorms?" "Yes, I do. We all do. We'd f*****g be able to get some rest if you were in your f*****g room next to mine or in mine. I don't care as long as you're not in that mansion anymore. That place is driving you crazy. You're not eating, you're not sleeping, and you sure as f**k aren't feeding properly. I need you to be okay. That's all I want." "All right. I'll have James move my s**t," "Just like that?" he huffs. "Just like that," I nod. I pull him into me. He lets his head fall on my shoulder and finally inhales properly. "You're a f*****g asshole," he mumbles. "You wouldn't love me if I wasn't," I shrug him off. He doesn't respond but I can hear his heart racing. "I'm going to tell James the good news. Expect a grand gesture. He's big on gifts with those who help him get his way." "I don't need a single f*****g thing from that," he scoffs. "Tell it to shove its grand gesture up its demonic asshole," "Oh, all compliments to him," I laugh. "Grab the other one. She didn't like this bit. I think it chafes her gums." "Oh, no," he coos, putting his hand on her nose. "We wouldn't want that, huh, princess?" Liquorish huffs at him and shakes her body. "Spoiled little mustang," "Don't be mean to my horse," I warn him. "How can I? You're taking all the mean with you."
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