Book 4: Epilogue

1904 Words

They reached Houston after two hours and went straight to Carter’s house. “We could get your stuff tomorrow. You can take Alexis, Ma, and Iris along to help you,” said Nelson. Annalise nodded. She was eager to see her siblings. They rang the doorbell, and Carter opened the door with a grin. Levi sat sprawled on the living room sofa playing a video game with Aries on his mobile phone. Alexis was getting her hair braided by Ciara, Carter’s cousin, who literally lived with them. “Well, well, finally the honeymoon’s over,” said a jealous Carter. Nelson grinned and sniffed around. “Something’s burning,” he said with a chuckle. Carter grinned and Aries and Alexis got up and ran towards Annalise. “Anna,” they squealed with delight. “Hey, you two?” said Levi. “Weren’t you supposed to return to

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