Book 2: Chapter Twenty-Nine - Finally The Long Awaited Kiss

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Afterwards, Nick came over to their house, upset with his love life. He wallowed in self-pity in Sean's room the whole evening and night and Vienna didn't get time to spend time with Sean. The next morning, an excited Vienna woke up. It was her birthday, and she knew everyone had planned a get-together for her during lunchtime. She went downstairs with a cheerful grin on her face and they all wished her. The boys weren't up, so she and Allison shared a moment with uncle Henry and ma. Uncle Henry discussed with Vienna the legal formalities necessary to claim the rest of her inheritance. "I'll call our lawyer tomorrow. He'll help you claim your inheritance," he said. "Thank you, Uncle Henry," said Vienna. A smiling Sean came downstairs for his coffee and everyone's eyes popped out. How wa

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