Book 6: Chapter Three - Was Aurora Married?

1566 Words

"I'm coming over," said Daxton, unable to stop the flutter in his heart. He just couldn't believe his ears. His Aurora had returned? This was the news that he had been waiting to hear for the last three years. "Come tomorrow morning. You wouldn't be able to see her now. It's already 11:30 at night, Dax," said Brandon. "Okay then, see you tomorrow," said Daxton, disconnecting the call. He was too excited to sleep. The whole night he dreamt of what he would say to Aurora, how he would pull her into his arms and kiss her, how he would tell her he missed her. In the wee hours of the morning, he dozed off to sleep and dreamt of Aurora. He couldn't wait for morning to arrive. After tossing and turning, when his dream finally got disrupted, he woke up. It was Saturday, thankfully, and he was in

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