Book 2: Chapter Twelve - A Cute Apology

1532 Words

"What are you doing here, Sean? Take a shower," said his ma, coming into the kitchen. "Yes, ma. This hangover's gonna kill me," he said, massaging his temples. "Rest till you're better. You can go to work a little late," suggested his ma. Sean nodded and left to go upstairs. Vienna made breakfast and then went upstairs to take a shower. Sean peeped out of his room. "Come here, Princess," he called to her. Vienna shrugged and went into his room. "What?" she asked him, with her hands on her waist. "Please, can you massage my head? It's killing me," he said. She saw he had taken a shower and looked fresh and hot in just a pair of sweatpants. Why couldn't he wear a tee shirt? It would be so distracting! Maybe he purposely wanted her to feel the torture. "Okay, lie down, " she said. He la

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