Book 2: Chapter Thirty-Nine - Next Will Be Ours

1500 Words

Ma looked at Vienna with a hopeful smile on her face. "Your ring is exquisite," she said trying to confirm what she thought it actually was. "Thank you, ma. Sean proposed on the night of our get-together," she said shyly. Ma was ecstatic to hear the news. She hugged Vienna tightly. "I had wanted this since the day Sean brought you home, sweetie. I'm so happy for the two of you. Congratulations," she said warmly. Sean came into the kitchen munching an apple. "Why are you both hugging one another?" he asked with a bewildered expression on his face. Ma released Vienna and looked at him. "You don't tell me anything these days, Sean. You didn't announce your engagement to us," complained ma. "Oh, I thought I would after Stuart and Allison's wedding," he said, scratching his neck with guilt

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