Book 5: Chapter Seventeen - No Kissing My Daughter For 2 Years!

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After she was gone, he looked up to see Brad Williams glaring down at him. Uh oh! Did he hear him begging for a kiss? "Hello, Uncle Brad. I brought her home before time," he flashed him a fake smile to lighten the mood. "I can see that," said Sapphire's dad with a faint smile tugging at his lips. He could see that the boy was really fearless. Anyone else would have run for the hills with fright. Denver turned to go home when he froze hearing Brad Williams's next retort. "No kissing my daughter for the next two years." Denver couldn't believe his ears. Did he really say that? He turned to look, but Sapphire's dad had already gone inside. He smiled, thinking about what he had just said. Her dad didn't tell him to stay away from his daughter forever. He just wanted him to stop kissing her

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