Book 3: Chapter Nine - Permission To Go To Iris's House

1541 Words

Eric Davenport gaped at the two with horror. How did they land up being partners? "Don't worry, sir. We only study," said Nick with a little cheeky smile that he was trying to choke down. The entire class groaned. "I completely believe you, Mr. Taylor," said Porty with a glare. "I'm honored, sir, " said Nick while Iris poked him. "Shut up, Nicholas. Both of you meet me after the class, " said Porty with disappointment. Both of them groaned and looked at one another. Now her dad would know what she was wearing! Uh oh! The entire class gave them looks of pity and the class went on with Porty, giving them death glares occasionally. "Why's your dad always angry?" asked Nick when Porty started scribbling on the board. Iris shrugged. She did not know. "Did your granny eat a lot of jalapeno

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