Book 5: Chapter Twenty-One - Denver Changes His Focus

1522 Words

Three Years Later "Dad, I've got a letter from the Houston Police Department’s Training Academy. I've been selected," said a happy Denver. He had graduated from college with a degree in business management, but he had made his mind up. He knew what he had always wanted to be for the last three years. Denver wanted to be a successful and honest police officer. He had applied at the Houston Police Department to undergo rigorous training for the next six months, followed by a six-month probation period. He knew it wouldn't be easy, but Denver never wanted to do anything easily. "Congratulations, son. I knew you could do it. Go to Brad and inform him. He'll be thrilled to know," said his dad, embracing him tightly. His ma had tears in her eyes, hearing the news. Denver walked out of his hou

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