Chapter Four 🌶🌶

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Vincent got on the bed and positioned himself behind me, in between Darnel's legs. I shivered, wondering what was happening. "Don't move," Darnel wrapped his arms around me to keep me down. I jumped when I felt Vincent pulling out the object; the butt plug, slowly. When I felt him pressing against me, I squirmed, on the verge of tears. "Relax. It won't hurt too much," Darnel said to me. Vincent gently pushed in and I cried out, gripping Darnel's bicep. Vincent growled as I squirmed away. "No, please," I cried, trying to get away. He gave me a hard spank. "Stop moving or I'll make it worse," he growled. I cried into Darnel's chest as he pushed in. "It hurts," I cried. They were stretching me up and I don't know how much I can take. I thought they would take turns and not do this at once. "Hey, relax. Stop tensing, it'll hurt less," Darnel said softly underneath me. "If you tense, it's going to hurt," Biting my quivering lip, I had no other choice but to comply with these men. No matter how much I tell them they're hurting me, they never listen. It's up to me to make it as painless as possible. I hate my life. So so bad. Once fully in, both men started moving and I wanted to scream. They were going to tear me apart. I heard moans and grunts over my soft sobs. Darnel kept his arms around me, slowly thrusting up. "f**k," he grunted. They didn't care that I was hurting and I was crying. I didn't feel any pleasure whatsoever. I was in so much pain. What felt like hours later, they finally stopped, after cumming inside me. Good thing I'm on the pill. I couldn't move my limbs. I couldn't lift a single finger. I was tired and in so much pain. I whimpered when Vincent pulled out of me. "Shh, you did so good, babygirl," Darnel cooed, wiping my tears. I really don't understand him. One time he's nice and the next he's aggressive. It's like I'm dealing with a bipolar person. "You took our c***s so well," he praised. I wanted to punch him in the face. He was still inside me. I don't know how long we stayed there, like that. I was just about falling asleep when hands grabbed my waist and pulled me up. My heart plummeted to my stomach. "No, please. I can't take it-" "Relax," came Vincent's voice behind me. He picked up bridal style and walked to the bathroom. He walked into the shower and put me down gently. My legs gave out. Vincent held me up. "Darnel!!" I jumped when he yelled. "I'm coming," I heard Darnel. Vincent moved me to stand under the water. Not long, he came in. I watched with hooded eyes as they set to cleansing me. I've never been so confused in my entire life. They were so aggressive and demanding earlier and now they bathing me? Vincent held me up, whilst Darnel washed me up. I couldn't move my limbs. I was hurting so bad; I might just pass out anytime soon. They cleaned me up and then Darnel was the one who carried me out, after wrapping me in a towel. He placed me on the bed and I slumped down, shaking. I didn't even care that my wet hair was messing the bed. Darnel came back to dress me up in a huge hoodie and fresh panties. He was surprisingly gentle with me. "What's your name?" He asked me softly. I looked away. I didn't even care if he was going to punish me. I didn't even want to see him and his brother. I heard him sigh. "Look, we didn't mean for this to get bad. We're very dominant men and it's hard to control ourselves, especially around a very gorgeous lady like you," he said. My eyes met him and he attempted a small smile, which I had no intentions of returning. I saw Vincent coming out the bathroom and bit my lip, looking away. I flinch when Darnel placed his hand on my bare thigh. He removed it quickly. "I'm sorry," he whispered. "It must have been overwhelming for you. If you had just allowed yourself to feel, and enjoy, you'd feel the pleasure." I couldn't say anything, even if I wanted. I was hurting physically and mentally. I was exhausted. I've never felt anything like this. I don't know how long we sat there, until Darnel realized I wasn't going to say anything. "At least let me get you under the covers so you can rest," he said defeated. "Can you manage?" "f**k, I hate it when you aren't talking," he said. My heart skipped a beat. I feared for what would happen next. He'll probably punish me. Even though I didn't say anything, he still picked me up and laid me down on the bed, under the covers. Somehow, the covers were different than earlier. "Here, drink this," Vincent said gruffly, handing me a bottle of water. Darnel took it and opened it, holding it to my lips. His other hand held me up. "Come on, you need some water," he urged me. Reluctantly, I drank the water. I laid back down, burying myself under the covers. "Would you like us to stay with you?" Darnel inquired. I don't even know why he's still talking, knowing I won't talk back. "f**k this," I heard Vincent said. "I got s**t to do," They must have both left or something. There was silent. I was left to my own haunting thoughts. It finally sunk in what happened. I was disgusted by myself and I felt so ashamed. How can it feel good? How can...being raped feel good? Why did I allow myself to feel? I was so sick and all I could do was cry. I cried hard, staining the pillow. How could I allow this? All the negative thoughts in my head sunk me into the darkness. That's where I belong. I'm just like everybody else. Everyone in this club. I've heard endless conversations from the ladies. They seemed to like this. They got paid. They enjoy it too. I didn't. I was forced into this. I was forced into everything. I have no way out. This is my life now. It's either I accept it or I let it consume me. It's been three years. Three f*****g years and it still haunts me. "f**k, she's crying, Vincent," I tensed when I heard Darnel's voice. "What do you want me to do?" I heard Vincent grunt. "What the hell do you mean? She's having a subdrop. We have to do something," "Darnel, she's not our sub. Why do you even f*****g care?" "Oh what the hell. I do care. Okay? I do f*****g care that we just forced ourselves on her. Ruined her. Vincent, we f*****g raped her. We're not rapist," "Oh hold up. It's not rape if she enjoyed it. Why'd she moan if she didn't like it?" "You're an i***t, you know that? A f*****g i***t," "Stay if you want, I got s**t to do," I heard Vincent say. "f**k," Darnel cussed under his breath. I can almost hear him come over. He sat down. "I'm really sorry, okay? I swear I had no intentions of harming you," he said, guilty. "I know that it won't make you feel better, but...maybe I could give you some money," he said. "Or maybe anything you want. I'll take care of it," my body tremble as I cried. "f**k, I'm sorry. I'm not sure how to help you. Can I hold you?" "Normally, we'd discuss this beforehand and make some rules, you know. My brother and I are Doms. We usually have a Submissive and we haven't had one in a long time. When we saw you, we...we behaved like animals. Well, after every scene, there is something that we like to do for our Submissive. Aftercare. We'd usually give you a bath and maybe hold you, to help you settle back down after an intense scene. I'm not sure how to do it without crowding your space any further than I have," Hearing him speak, somehow pulled me into sleep. My body was too beat up and I felt tired. I had stopped crying somehow and he still kept talking, explaining things I didn't give a s**t about. "I'm really sorry, okay?" I heard his faint voice as I allowed sleep to take me. ● UNEDITED
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