A Place to Work From.

1484 Words

A Place to Work From. Now with a sense of urgency and purpose, Trevor spent the next couple of hours, first inspecting then tracking down the owners of the more suitable storefronts. Two incidents propelled him forward. The first was Crystal Knight and her shop. She was the beachhead, the vanguard. Might she be a valuable ally to the gentrification of this little burg? Of course, he was not undertaking this project for altruistic reasons, he was in it for the cash. The other was her vanload of customers. They came from somewhere. Like locusts, he was sure more were about to follow. It is amazing the doors a little cash will open. What could’ve taken days or even weeks to secure, he did in hours. He obtained the keys and permission to use an empty appliance store next to Eddington’s. Thi

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