2. Vampire

1003 Words
I am eating. It's warm and juicy. It tastes amazing. It's smooth and silky going down my throat. I can feel the warmth dripping down my chin. I am completely relaxed. My hands are holding the food. It is warm and soft and wet and... furry. "WHAT?!?" My eyes spring open and I stare at my hands. I am holding a dead rabbit. "WHAT THE f**k? WHY AM I EATING A RABBIT?" I send it flying away from me. I glance around for a towel. I have to get this blood off me. But it's dark and I can't see well. I bounce off a tree. "What the f**k, what is happening? Where am I?" I can't see anything. I bend down and try to get the blood off my hands with the grass. I take off my shirt and do my best to use the clean part to get the blood off my face. Thank god it's summer or I would be freezing my ass off in only gym shorts. My eyes are starting to adjust now and I can tell I'm in the woods. There doesn't seem to be any lights in any direction. "How did I get here?" I ask myself. Trying to figure out what is going on. Well, I can't stay here. I guess I'll start walking. I spin in a complete circle. All directions appear exactly the same. I never spent much time in the woods growing up and I really don't want to start now. So, I'm going right. It seems like a good choice... After about 10 minutes, I come across a cabin. It seems empty, no lights on, no noise coming from it. No cars anywhere. Definitely odd out here in the middle of nowhere, but some people enjoy that sort of thing. Maybe there is a phone in it I could use. As I get closer, I realize this place is deserted. No one has been here in many years. The windows are broken. There's a big hole in the roof. The front door is hanging by one hinge. The place is crumbling apart. I glance around and find a path that leads away from the cabin. I'll go that way, cause honestly where the hell else am I going to go? The path is a bit of a challenge. It's still dark and there are big sticks lying everywhere that I keep tripping on. I'm not in any pain, so that's good. But I can't help but feel like I'm being followed. I did the 'stop fast and see if you hear any other noise' thing. But I didn't and I really can't shake this feeling that I'm not alone. "Hello. Anyone there?" Nothing... "I am losing it." I laugh. I yell at the top of my lungs "Of course I'm losing it. In the last 12 hours, I have tried to stop a gunman. Got shot. Died. Woke up at my mom's house. Went back to sleep. Woke up in the middle of the woods. And ate a rabbit. Sane people do not do this. This is one very weird mental breakdown. Or maybe it's a dream. Hopefully I will wake up soon because I am really starting to lose it." I grab a stick off the ground and throw it as hard as I can into the woods. "Walking through the woods in the middle of the night yelling at myself. With only half my clothes on." I can't help but yell, "AAAHHHHHHH!" "Oh look! A road! Guess I'll go right again. Or maybe I should lie down and go to sleep again... maybe I'll wake up at Mordor next time." "You really need to stop talking to yourself... Someone might think you're a crazy person." Says the random grizzly bear-looking man beside me who appeared out of no where. "Where the hell did you come from? Am I seeing people now?" I can't even stop yelling at this point and my hand gestures are a bit extreme. "No, you're not seeing people. I have been following you from the cabin. And I can give you some answers if you want to come with me?" He phrases the last part like it's an actual question and I have a choice in the matter. But we both know, I don't. "Okay, fine." He nods and starts back into the woods. I guess it's back into the woods I go. "I can tell you're new." He says like he's talking to himself and I'm not even here. "New at what?" "Being a vampire." I come to a complete stop. "You're even crazier than me. This is insane. Vampires aren't real." "Oh, but think about it. You remember getting shot. You remember bleeding out. And then you remember waking up drinking the blood of a rabbit?" He nods at me and raises his hands. "Yea, I've been listening to you fall apart for awhile." I can't help but think what he is saying maybe true. The blood tasted so good. It was like all I ever wanted. How can I be sure? "This is... just crazy." He holds out his hand like he's going to show me something. "Let me see your hand." I reach my hand out to him, wondering what he's going to show me. "OH f**k!" He stabbed me right through my hand with a knife. I punch him in the face with my good hand and take off running. I have to get away from this psycho. He yells, "Take it out, you p***y!" Making no attempt to chase me. I yank the knife out in one swift motion. It felt a lot better coming out than it did going in. "Now look at it." He lights a fire and motions for me to sit by him. I watch the stab hole close up in real time. It is healing so fast. "It's only a pink spot now." I sit down by his fire still staring at my hand.
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