12. Room

1026 Words
I follow the group that came in, down the main hallway where they turn right and right again into the first room. I peaked in and it seems to be a dining room. I continue down the hall, there are rooms on both sides. All the doors are basic with foggy windows and big black numbers painted on each of them. But with the foggy windows, it's impossible to see inside. There are two large windows at both ends of the hallway but no others, so it's a bunch of florescent lights all the way down the hallway. It honestly reminds me of a hospital, with white walls and light colored floor tile. The hallway has an occasional white board beside a door. But right now they are all blank or say something along the lines of welcome or welcome back. Beside the last room on the floor, the white board says Gym Hours: 5AM - 9PM daily. All the way at the end of the hallway, right beside the window, are two elevators with an East Tower sign above them. I hit the up button and the door pops open. Two men get out arguing about who can lift more weight. I take their spot and hit the 15. After about a minute, the elevator dings and the door opens into another hallway. Turns out there are only 2 apartments per floor in this tower. So room 1 is really easy to find. I put my card to the door and I hear it unlock. The door opens to the living room. One of the walls in the living room is a big curtain. I pull the curtain back and see it's a sliding glass door in the middle with windows on both sides. The view is amazing. It's facing away from the back of the school and you can't really see any of the school grounds, it's all mountains. The sliding glass door opens to a decent-sized balcony. It really is one hell of a view. Opposite the window wall across the living room is the kitchen. The two rooms are separated by a built-in breakfast bar that has 3 stools sitting in it. Everything seems to be in good condition and clean. It's all very basic and I can't wait to get my own stuff. The bedrooms are more or less the exact same. Each has a bed, closet, dresser, and a bathroom with a stand-up shower, toilet, sink and mirror. I chose the one on the corner of the building. I will not be between those 2 and I don't know how the neighbors will be either. This seems to be the safest option. I worry about the 3 of us being in the same apartment together for 8 years. It's quite a change for all of us. Hopefully, we can make it work. Victor comes in. "Oh damn, check out that view." "I know right. We're going to have to get some furniture or something out there." "Table and chairs with a grill. I can cook a mean steak. Did you pick a room yet?" "Yea, I'm farthest to the left. They are all the same and we each get our own bathroom." "Nice. I'm gonna change quick, I'm still dirty from the bus ride. We need to be back down there in like 20 minutes." "I'm going to try and find my cup. I need something to drink." I open the fridge and there is a case of bottled water, oranges, apples, carrot sticks, and a cheese and meat tray. All with a note that says "That was nice of her." I mumble to myself. "WHAT?" "Emberlynna gave us some fruit and bottled water and stuff, it's in the fridge." "Cool." him and Clark come into the living room from opposite sides. "What's cool? And which room is mine? I need to clean up quick." Victor points to the room on the right. "Emberlynna gave us some food and drinks. They are in the fridge." "Cool. Is it alcohol? I could really use a beer right now." Clark darts into his room. "I really don't think the nutrition teacher is going to give away beer at the beginning of the semester." I can't help but laugh. "Yea, that'll be for the end of the semester." Victor grabs a bottle of water. "Grab me a bottle of that please. Then I'm ready to head back." We walk out our door and Jenny is coming out the door across from ours. "Well, I guess we're neighbors." Victor blurts out. "Yeah, maybe they group all the people who are in the same year of studies close together." She seems so shy. "Well, that should make finding study partners a bit easier." Clark looks relieved. "What are you gonna do? Roam the halls yelling about needing a study partner?" Victor laughs as we all get in the elevator. "Only if it comes to that." Clark turns to Jenny "So, how many roommates do you have?" "Just 1, but she's not here yet, so I haven't met her. The 3 of you are roommates I take it?" "Yeah, I'm Victor, the hot one." "I'm Clark, the hotter one." "I'm Alden and as you can see, I'm the hottest one. And you are Jenny, correct?" "Yes, how long have you guys been vampires?" She asks as we all get off the elevator. "Almost a whole week now." Clark mumbles. "Still getting use to it. What about you?" "I was born this way." Victor trips and almost falls. "I didn't even know that was possible." "Yea, we all get to learn about it in the 5th or 6th year studies. There is a reproduction class we have to take." Clark stares at her stunned. "Where did you find the class list?" "Most of my friends and family have went here. I was super excited to come and spent the last year or 2 talking about it with anyone who would talk back. So, I don't have an exact class list, just stories people have shared with me." We all turn and walk in the room with Emberlynna.
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