1534 Words

Alice was struck by lightning when she heard that. Suddenly, the heads up given by Kian made a lot of sense. Panicked, Alice rushed over to Samirah's side to explain. "Look, it's not how you think it is! I admit that initially I approached you with the goal to keep an eye on you but that wasn't the reason why I befriended you! I really liked your personality and wanted to be your friend! It had nothing to do with Kian or the spying thing as you put it! It wasn't even spying in the first place. I was only making sure you were fine while in school and sometimes outside and reporting it to Kian occasionally -" "He told me everything. You don't have to explain anything," Samirah cut her off mid sentence to say quietly. "Samirah ...." Alice whimpered. Seeing her lost expression, Samirah

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