1663 Words

She turned her head in shock. The man standing to the side was wearing a well fitted navy suit. The jacket was hung on his arm, revealing the vest clinging on his torso. Samirah's gaze slowly rose high, falling on his we'll crafted face. It was a face she didn't get to see in her previous life and couldn't get enough of in this life. Kian's black hair brushed his forehead in a light arc. It was probably gelled meticulously this morning. His dark eyes were staring right at her face. When their eyes met, Samirah blinked and looked away. Ah, he dressed up well today. Samirah felt herself lacking in comparison. When Kian came over, Samirah was surrounded by the mild scent of wine. It wrapped around her in a protective layer and shielded her from all the bad things coming for her. Her a

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