1047 Words

"Samirah's behaviour is not in line with her personality. She was never so agressive! Even when she was bullied in school, she lacked the guts to stand up for herself or even complaint about it. How did she suddenly have the confidence to yell like this?!" Thea raged at Alan. Alan had a distressed look in his eyes. His lips were curled in a scowl. It was not easy for him to face Samirah alone and upon returning unsuccessful, he then had to deal with Thea's outburst. He did not sign up for this double torture! "Can you not add to the stress by saying such thing? I already know it. Samirah is not as easy as we thought. Now think of something else," Alan leaned back on the wall, "Or better yet, just go back with me." Thea was instantly appalled by his suggestion. "Are you serious? You

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