1440 Words

Azra narrated it from the beginning for the girls, "Actually, the meeting was held for the both of us to prove our points. Because I still had some hope left for Alan, I let him go first. He told everyone that it was the rogue girl, Thea, who entered our father's office with ulterior motives and that he happened to be there. He wanted to cry for the loss of our father, and saw her. Then he was caught there and everyone misunderstood. He also handed over the rogue girl. She was unconscious at that time and her hands and feet were bound with rope. She was taken away to the cells to be punished." "So she was unconscious. He did it without her knowledge!" Samirah whispered to Alice in shock. Well, that was unexpected. Looks like Alan was ready to break it off with Thea for the Alpha positi

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