Chapter 18 Flowers

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The moment Leona made that announcement, the Princess’s eyes lit up with disbelief, but also joyfulness. She stared at Leona and asked, “Really? You really can do that?” Leona nodded her head with a smile. “It may take some time, but I promise I will get it back for you. And you need to promise me you won’t marry some random guy and have a baby with him before I come back. You are a person who deserves to be loved and happy, not just a baby producer. Do you understand?” she asked. The Princess nodded her head. Tears ran down from the corners of her beautiful brown eyes. Ever since her mother died, she had been taking all those burdens completely on her own. No one had ever helped her. Not to say her dragon companions refused to. They were just helpless facing the situation. The Palace couldn’t fall off from the sky and the Princess had to be sacrificed for it. She looked at Leona and whispered, “Thank you.” Leona gave the Princess a hug to comfort her, and then introduced herself, “My name is Leo, by the way, I am the Wolf Queen’s…young sister. What’s your name?” “Wind,” the Princess said, “My real name is Feng Nuan. It’s Chinese for warm spring wind. You can just call me Wind.” She blushed a little when she said that. The Princess even felt shy about introducing herself. Leona smiled at her reaction. She then sat back and said to the Princess, “Now you go get some good rest. I will go get the Wolf Queen’s permission and come back by tomorrow morning. Then we can discuss the details.” The Princess tapped the tears at the corners of her eyes with her gorgeous but surprisingly wide and long sleeve. She stopped Leona after that. “There’s no need to rush,” she said, and sniffled a little, “At least spend your night here and have some rest. I can’t let you leave working for me in the middle of the night, without even offering you a cup of tea.” She then clapped her hands beside the tea table in a very gentle but graceful motion. The front door of the palace opened again. A maid in ancient green Chinese dress showed up outside the door with her head bowed humbly. The Princess ordered, “Take our guest to the Moon, along with her wolf,” she added the “wolf” word with a smile. The maid nodded her head and waited quietly outside. Leona got curious about where “the Moon” was, but she had more important questions to ask. “By the way, if you don’t mind, may I ask if Dragon Alpha’s scale can cure disabled wolves?” she asked that for Eric. The Princess looked at her in surprise at first, and then shook her head. “No,” she said, and then explained, “Dragon Alpha’s scale indeed has some magic power, but it had nothing to do with healing. If you want to fix the wolf following you, I suggest you have a talk with his mother. He bears a curse which was branded at his birth.” Leona lifted up her brows. She was talking about Eric’s sister, but after the Dragon Princess pointed it out, she realized Eric’s wolf was as much disabled as his sister. Both siblings had abnormal wolves. It had to have something to do with their mother. She asked the Princess curiously, “You can tell it by simply looking at him?” The Princess nodded her head in shyness. “Yeah,” she explained, “We can see through curses, or invisible marks. It’s kind of the Alpha Dragon’s gift. But I am sorry I can’t break it for you. It’s…unique and powerful.” Leona then nodded her head and said “Thanks” to the Princess. She then stood up from the floor and walked to the door. Outside, Eric was waiting right beside the maid. Seeing Leona coming out, he purred happily and then rubbed her leg with his head. Leona smiled at him and then petted his neck. She felt a little upset with what the Princess had just said about Eric, but she decided not to mention it before she could have a meeting with Eric’s mother, Irene. She remembered Irene was an incredible human Luna who was well-respected by her packmates and she … loved her children. “This way, please.” As soon as Leona went outside the door, the maid turned, gesturing for them to follow her. Leona nodded her head to Eric and followed the maid. They went behind the building. That’s when Leona realized what was floating in the sky wasn’t just a house, but actually an island. Behind the palace was a huge space filled with all sorts of trees that had different flowers on them, and then more wooden buildings with strange structures. Leona saw a covered wooden corridor at the top of a string of strange green stones with lots of holes in them. On the other side of the corridor, there was a wooden gazebo on the top of a pile of dedicatedly designed wooden buildings. And Leona could just feel the energy that was surging in the air around her. It wasn’t the energy of power or strength, but the energy of actual money and wealth. Dragons like to hoard treasures. It wasn’t just a myth. The Dragon Kingdom had been founded more than thousands of years. They were freaking wealthy. Now Leona finally knew why the Princess couldn’t let the island fall. It could literally cause endless wars between all the kingdoms. “Guess having too much isn’t always a good thing,” she murmured to herself, following the maid, and went along the wooden corridor that was above their heads. After about 15 minutes’ walk, the corridor disappeared. They got to a place like an orchard but with no walls and was filled with blooming leafless peach trees. The trees weren’t tall, just above Leona’s head. But each branch of them was decorated with countless fully blooming little pink flowers. When the wind blew through, the branches shook, and those little pink petals fell off, and started to dance with the wind. Above their heads, the moon was really bright. They were like watching the show through the purest water on earth. Everything around them was just beautiful, even perfect. At that moment, Leona suddenly understood. This orchard was the Moon. Because right now there was nothing above her head. Not even the slightest city lights were around. Not even a single trace of the cloud was in the sky. She could just see it after slightly lifting up her eyes. The Goddess of hers, right above her head, so close, so beautiful, so pure, and so filled with energy. Somehow, Leona felt her power grow again. The maid led them to a wooden house in the middle of the orchard, and then left with her head bowed. Leona heard water running from behind the house. She knew there must be a hot spring around, but she didn’t go looking for it. Instead, she slid her coat off her shoulders, letting it hang on her arms, and then started to swirl among those flower trees like she once saw in the theater. She knew in ancient times Chinese women didn’t dance with men. They danced alone, swirling on the carpet with really long but beautiful sleeves like they were dancing in the cloud with the wind, and showed it to men. Leona once snorted at that conception. She thought it was objectifying women. But right now, on such a beautiful night, under such bright moonlight, and among those beautiful flower trees, she just couldn’t help but imitate. Because she felt so beautiful doing so, and she just wanted to show the most beautiful aspect of herself to the man she truly loved. She swirled among those trees again and again, using the sleeves of her coat as her wings to dance with the flower petals and the wind. Eric sat in front of the wooden house and looked at her in awe. He had never seen Leona dancing before. And she wasn’t dancing now, just swirling among the trees like a little girl and with her coat. But she looked so beautiful. And the whole scene was so peaceful and unforgettable. Eric knew he would carve it into his brain, and remember it to the end of the world and ever, and ever, and ever, and…ever… “Come, dance with me.” Suddenly, Leona stopped her swirl and reached out her hand to her little wolf. Eric growled with his tail wagging. He wanted to shift back more than she wanted him to, but he didn’t have any clothes with him. Leona smiled. She took off her coat and gave it to her little wolf. Eric took it in his mouth and ran back to the wooden house to shift. He wrapped the coat around his waist to cover his private part, and then went out from behind the house with a bit of shyness. The moonlight became brighter when he became taller, and those flower trees somehow became thicker. Eric walked in front of the house and looked around, but found Leona nowhere. He got worried and called her name “Leo?” but with a soft volume, fearing to disturb those blooming flowers. Suddenly, a pair of beautiful hands appeared from his back and caught him from behind. He heard Leona laugh in his ear, “Got you!” He laughed too, and turned around to catch her. Leona loosened her hands and ran, laughing, among those blooming flower trees. Eric went after her. “I will definitely catch you!” he said. They ran, and laughed, and danced among those beautiful flower trees along with the wind and the moon. In the end, they got tired, and fell down on a pile of flower petals at the edge of the orchard. Above their heads, about 5 feet away, was the end of the island, and thin air. They lay there, like they were lying at the edge of a cliff, and watched the flowers and the moon. “I feel so happy today,” Leona said, placing her head on his bare chest, caressing her fingers through the beautiful lines of his tight abs. Eric blushed because of that. He was aroused to the mood for other things. But that moment was too peaceful and beautiful. It felt wrong to disturb it. “I am happy too,” he said, picking up a lock of her beautiful white hair, playing it with his fingers, trying his best to divert his attention. Leona raised her head from his chest, and whispered to him. “I am sorry,” she apologized again, “I shouldn’t have said that earlier. I am … so sorry.” Eric grinned. He wasn’t that type of person who would clingy on things and he didn’t need her to apologize over and over again. “It’s alright. I am not mad anymore,” he said, “Just promise me you won’t do it again, and please don’t call me little wolf anymore. I am young but not little. And I am definitely not a child anymore.” Leona smiled. She liked it when he tried to be mature, big and strong, and man. She raised her head and kissed his chin, calling him, “Eric.” Eric felt his c**k instantly grow hard. He couldn’t stand it anymore. He growled, sitting up to put her into the flower petals. The bright moonlight made her eyes, her lips, and her skin glitter like they were sacred. He gasped, calling her name “Leo”, asking for her permission. Leona nodded her head with a smile. Eric instantly unzipped her pants and pulled them off her beautiful long legs. Fearing she would get hurt, he untied the coat at his waist and placed it under her hips. His large roaring member instantly sprung out. Leona got wet at the sight of it. “Eric…” she moaned his name. Eric knelt in between her legs, pulling her hips closer, so he could grind his c**k on her lips through the thin fabric. Leona cried out at that sweet, but tor/turous tease. Eric then bent over and started to kiss her. Lips first, and then cheeks, nose, eyes, ears, and hair. He caressed every inch of her skin with his lips, just couldn’t get enough of her. Leona felt even wetter. She wrapped her legs around his waist and called his name again, “Eric…” Eric growled. He tore up her panties to push his c**k inside her p***y, and started to penetrate her. They didn’t need more foreplay. The moon, the night, had already done that. He pumped his c**k in and out of her, f*****g her harder and harder. Leona moaned loudly. It felt so good. Every pore on her skin opened and moaned along with her. And the moon was so bright and pure. It was just perfect. They fell into the flower petals again, cuddling each other. Leona felt his seeds drip down along her thigh. She groaned with dissatisfaction, and started to kiss his lips over and over again. They ended up completely n/aked, curling in the thick flower petals under the trees, like two newborn beasts. Leona didn’t mind it though. She curled on his chest and kissed him, and praised him. “You are such a good man,” she said. Eric grinned. He wrapped his arms around her n/aked shoulders to hold her, and then asked, “Good enough to be your husband?” Leona blushed at that thought. Her faith in that word was kind of crushed by that selfish, stupid Austin, but yeah, she wanted Eric to be her husband. She wanted to start a new family with him. This time, with kids. “Yes,” she said, raising her eyes from his chest to look at him. She somehow became shy after he showed her how man he was during s*x. “I want you to be my husband and take care of me,” she whispered with beautiful sparkles in her eyes, suddenly became a needy little girl. Eric grinned even bigger. To stand beside her and help her. It was everything he had been asking for. “Then I swear I will be a great husband, and I will prove it to you little by little,” he said, lowering his head to kiss her, “Just promise me you won’t call me little again, and trust me as a man.” It was a lot to ask, considering…everything. But that was what he needed. And Eric knew only by that could he truly take care of the woman he loved so much. He stared at Leona, waiting nervously for her answer. The goddess smiled at his request, and then nodded her head. “Eric,” she called him by his name again, not “little wolf”, and then reached out her arms to hug his neck and kiss him. “Darling, my love,” she whispered while looking into his eyes with a bit of shyness. Eric blushed at that sweet nickname. His heart pounded violently as if it was about to explode. He wanted to growl and brand his mark deep into her neck, but it wasn’t the time. He wanted to mark her with his real wolf, maybe not a strong one, but at least a normal wolf. Then the world would know who she truly belonged to. “I love you, Leo,” he whispered, lowering his head, and kissed her again, “I promise I will make you the happiest woman in the world, I swear.” Leona nodded her head. If she couldn’t trust him, then no one in the world could be trusted by her. She whispered “I love you too”, and then kissed him and fell asleep with him under those beautiful flower trees, and with the moonlight.
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