The Prince's Champion 3 | He Who Speaks Her Name

2737 Words

"I'm going to wring your pretty little neck, Mirabella Frey," Dark hissed in her ear. Humigpit ang hawak nito sa kanyang leeg at nahihirapan na rin siyang huminga. But most importantly, Dark spoke her name. She couldn't believe what she just heard. Kaya naman kahit nahihirapan na siyang huminga ay pinilit niyang magsalita. " could speak my name?" she choked on her words and hearing this, Dark grinned and his fingers around her throat tightened. "I've been waiting for this time to come, girl. I've been waiting for the time I could speak your goddamned name take your petty life away from you," Dark said. He said it with so much bite that she flinched with every word. Alam niyang hindi gagawin ng lalaki ang bagay na iyon dahil kailangan siya nito. However, she couldn't help but f

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