The Prince's Champion 16 | The Other Face Of Deception

2994 Words

His day used to revolve around palace work. He would have dinner with his father and his brothers after his training in the courtyard. And earlier that day, he would command a portion of the knights as they would embark on small tasks happening around the borders of their kingdom. And when everything is done, he would immediately go to his room and do his paperwork.  Lahat silang magkakapatid ay sinanay na ganoon. After all, one of them could become king in the future. What good is a king if he doesn't know his kingdom? What good is a king if he doesn't know how to lead his army? What good is a king if he doesn't help his people? Make them safe? Iyon ang nasa isip niya noon. As one of the princes, he thought he already knew everything. He thought he was already helping his people.  Nguni

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