10 Explain Yourself

1350 Words
"Damn it! What a mess," the man covering my mouth cursed under his breath, slowly rising to his feet, sword in hand, and walking towards me. I watched his figure, silver hair hastily tied back, his big frame visible under the black hunting gear. The sword that had just slashed the python was firmly held in his hands, its sharp blade pointed steadily towards the oncoming beast. Klaus had been hailed as the bravest hunter at the previous banquet by the alphas, but now his figure seemed so small in front of the tiger, which was like a small hill. Nevertheless, strangely, I felt a hint of security. This was the first time since my father's death that someone had stood in front of me in danger. Glancing behind me, without Alpha Klaus's obstruction, my palm touched the edge of the cliff with no cover. The fierce wind slapped my face like countless invisible palms. But I had to keep my eyes open, find the place I had been searching for. Below the cliff, beyond the sparse, slender branches of the cypress trees, white waves crashed heavily against the cliffs. Squinting, I eagerly searched for my target. "Roar!" The tiger's roar was so penetrating that it lowered the surrounding trees. It kicked up countless fallen leaves and dust as it ran, knocking down and breaking everything in its path. The deep shadows gradually faded from its fur. Its blood-red eyes were like two burning lanterns in the night, firmly locking onto Klaus and me. "Find a place to hide yourself, understand?" The deep voice sounded, and I turned to look at Klaus. The man standing in front of me slightly turned his head, moonlight outlining his prominent nose and firm jawline. His eyes didn't meet mine, still firmly fixed on the running tiger, but he suddenly uttered those words. "Ah, okay, got it," I immediately turned my head, answering nervously. With lowered eyelashes, I pretended to obediently crouch at the edge of the cliff, thinking to myself, "Oh no, I'm not planning to wait for you to save me. I haven't forgotten about that deal." I don't want to be anyone's slave, whether it's Ron who killed my parents or this mysterious and unpredictable Klaus. If I can survive as a free person, I don't mind taking some risks or breaking any agreements. The raging wind swept through my hair as I huddled at the shore, hiding behind Klaus. I didn't have to face the impact brought by the tiger, but I still sensed the urgency through the vibrations of the ground and the sound of trees collapsing. Faster, a bit faster. My heart was pounding so hard it felt like it would burst out of my chest, and my body trembled uncontrollably. Biting my lower lip, I stared at my eyes, which were almost tearful with pain. Finally, in the bottom right corner, facing the branches of the cypress trees, I found what I was looking for. The waves there were not violent, just gently brushing past, forming a slow, swirling eddy. That was it, the destination I had been searching for. I turned my head to look at the man standing in front of me. Even though danger was close at hand, he still had his back to me, like a reliable wall between me and danger. "Alpha Klaus," I suddenly spoke up. At the same time, the tiger rushed towards him. In the second before I jumped from the cliff, I saw Alpha Klaus leaping high, wielding his sword to block the approaching tiger's claws with a silver flash. Truly the bravest hunter, I thought. But that was none of my concern anymore. I looked up at the sky, feeling the moonlight on the nightfall. I relaxed my body, letting the violent sea breeze blow over me, giving me an almost surreal feeling of ascent. Soon, the heavy downward gravity immediately seized my body. My black cloak billowed out like the wings of a bird. But I couldn't fly. Within a short time, the branches of the cypress tree left several shallow marks on my body, slowing down my fall. The next moment, white waves completely engulfed my body. As I had anticipated, I closed my eyes. In the split second before my vision went completely dark, it seemed like I saw a dark shadow falling from the cliff. Despite being prepared, the feeling of entering the sea was still painful. At the moment of entry, the impact from the height made my body feel like it had collided with solid ground. The salty seawater quickly poured into my mouth and nose, and the underwater currents made me dizzy. In the darkness of the night sea, the darkness from all directions made me unable to see the sky, suffocating me so I couldn't breathe. I blinked, struggling to move my limbs, holding my last breath, swimming in the direction I remembered. The seawater enveloped my body heavily, the direction of the waves under the cliff was unpredictable. Despite my efforts to swim towards that spot, I was just inches away from touching the cliff. In the vast sea, I felt like a moth caught in a spider's web. No matter how hard I tried, I was pushed back by the waves each time, moving in the opposite direction. My eardrums were pounding, and the air I held was becoming thinner. I was acutely aware that I was running out of time. My plan was too risky, especially without the ability to transform into a werewolf. I was so close, so close, my fingernails almost touching, but I couldn't grasp the rocks next to the cave. Tears of despair and frustration streamed down my face. The air in my lungs had been squeezed out, my consciousness was beginning to fade, and my body was almost immobile. The seawater entwined around my limbs, and I couldn't hear any sound anymore. Everything became eerily quiet. Is this it? I asked myself. The seawater seemed to embrace my body like the arms of death. Just as my consciousness was about to fade completely, a sudden and intense pain erupted from my tailbone, impossible to ignore, as if I were being bitten by ferocious fangs, forcing my almost closed eyes to open again. I turned my head and saw a giant wolf covered in silver-white fur, with golden eyes. ... It was Alpha Klaus. I stared at him in astonishment, as if I had seen an incredible monster. In the dark sea, the moonlight twisted and illuminated the underwater world. The surging white waves on the sea surface rolled up layers of waves under the gusty wind.The silver wolf showed its sharp teeth, biting my waist, like some sea monster carrying its prey towards an unknown nest. Its flowing silver fur spread out like the transparent fins of a fish in the sea, emitting a strange beauty. The giant wolf moved its body, the golden eyes revealing the ferocity of a beast. Its agile body pierced through the chaotic underwater currents, bringing me to the surface. "Cough, cough, cough!" Inhaling air caused my lungs to ache. As soon as I surfaced, my body curled up like a shrimp, coughing uncontrollably. A force wrapped around me from behind, strong arms firmly held my waist, and I leaned against Klaus's chest, gasping for precious air. Klaus's hand grabbed onto the rocks, slowly climbing upwards. With just one hand, Klaus carried both of our bodies, moving slowly upward on the almost vertical cliff. I leaned against his chest, almost able to hear his heavy breaths and the sound of his body moving. But soon, a small cave appeared, big enough for two people to sit in. Klaus tightly squeezed my waist and carried me into the cave. "Explain yourself, Emilia Borin." A cold voice rang out as Alpha Klaus lunged forward, his hand gripping my throat. His silver hair was still dripping, pinning me to the ground. His handsome face was now dark, and his golden eyes were filled with icy killing intent towards me.
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