1 Survive, Emilia

958 Words
"Happy birthday, my darling." I looked at the smiling faces in front of me, holding my parents' hands, closed my eyes, took a deep breath, and started blowing out the candles on my birthday cake. Eighteen candles. I couldn't blow them all out in one breath, and I could still feel the warmth of the candlelight. Today was my big day. I had come of age, and I had got my wolf. As the Alpha's daughter, I had always been the apple of my parents' eye, the darling of everyone. Today, everyone from my pack had gathered to celebrate my birthday. I stood in a luxurious hall, dressed in an expensive gown, receiving everyone's blessings. I couldn't imagine a happier day in my life. Everything was perfect. I wished time could freeze in this moment forever. Little did I know that in the very instant I blew out the candles, my world would plunge into darkness and pain. "Attackers!" I hadn't finished blowing out all the candles. I opened my eyes. In the darkness, there were screams and shouts. Before I could react, I saw many shadows appearing around me, like phantoms. Then I heard screams and the sound of chaos footsteps. "Security!" I was pushed by a strong body into a corner, and a man stood in front of me. "Protect my daughter!" I hadn't recovered from the shock. I saw the shadows pounce on my father. My father rushed toward them, blocking their view of me. "Ah!" People were pushing and shoving in panic, running around like headless flies. Many figures collided with my father, but his body just swayed for a moment, then he stood firm in front of me. Facing the enemy, he was like a mighty tree shielding me from all the horrors. "Ron, take my daughter away!" My father shouted loudly at his beta Ron. "No." I exclaimed in shock. In the darkness, I saw a dagger reflecting a faint light. The next moment, it stabbed into my father's chest. "Dad!" Someone pulled out the dagger, and blood spurted out from my father's chest like a fountain, splashing on my face. My vision turned red. All I could smell was the scent of blood. A hand reached into my father's chest. I trembled as I looked up. I would never forget the face of that person. He was my father's Beta—Ron. I didn't have time to stop him. His hand tore open my father's chest. I watched in horror as my father's heart was taken out and squeezed in his palm. "Soldiers, hurry! Save my father!" I cried out in desperation. Soldiers rushed in. But they weren't here to save us; they, too, stabbed their daggers into my loved ones. I couldn't believe that the soldiers who had sworn allegiance to my father had betrayed him. It was then that I realized, Ron had betrayed us. The Beta whom my father had trusted wanted to take his place. He killed my father on the happiest day of my life. "Emilia, run!" My mother shouted in my ear, pushing me towards the door. To buy me time to escape, my mother stood before me, choosing to face the rebels alone. As I turned to run, I heard her scream, and the room filled with a thick smell of blood. "Emilia, run!" My mother's voice echoed in my ears, urging me on. The door was right in front of me, and I had to get out alive. I needed to tell the alliance pack about Ron's betrayal; I had to seek their help. A tall figure jumped in front of me, his clothes and hands stained with blood. He looked at me with a fierce gaze. I knew I couldn't escape unless I killed him. I tried to call my wolf, but she remained unresponsive. It was then that I realized I couldn't shift. What was happening? I successfully shifted this morning. Why couldn't I do it now? The man in front of me waved his hand and struck me hard on the head. I didn't have time to dodge and fell to the ground. A shard of glass pierced my hand, and the pain made me remember something. At my birthday banquet, Ron had given me a bottle of wine as a gift. He had also handed me and my parents a glass of wine. He must have poisoned it, preventing us from shifting. It was all part of his plan. My mother lay in a pool of blood. I lay on a pile of glass shards, and when I turned to look at her, I saw her throat being torn apart by the rebels. Blood gushed out like it did with my father. She lay with her head tilted, her wide eyes staring at me. "Mom!" I shouted, crawling at her with all my strength, clutching her hand and crying. "Emilia," she weakly spoke, "promise me, survive." My mother's last words echoed in my ears. Survive. Only by surviving could I seek vengeance for my family. "I beg of you," I clutched Ron's boots and said, struggling. "What? I can't hear you," Ron mocked, "Maybe you can speak louder." "I beg of you," my voice hoarse, "please let me live." "Such a pitiful girl," Ron moved his foot away from my hand, "Congratulations, you have my mercy. From today, you are my slave." The Alpha's daughter had become a slave. It was so absurd. Ron humiliated me and disgraced my father in this way. The surrounding werewolves jeered and mocked, their voices echoing in my head. The flames danced wildly in front of me like a serpent. Survive, Emilia. Even as a slave, as long as you're alive, there's hope.
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