7 The Mandela Premiere & the South African Divestiture Bill-1

2016 Words

7 THE MANDELA PREMIERE & THE SOUTH AFRICAN DIVESTITURE BILL Later, Priscilla could not remember whatever was said after she asked about Carlton, she thought that maybe they all ate together at the table, and talked a little more. However, she did remember eating something that tasted like bland mashed potatoes and a piece of bread; and that she mostly moved her food about her plate because she did not like her meal. Priscilla had eaten sadza, a maize- or cornmeal-based staple, the national dish of Zimbabwe. But the time would come when she would look forward to eating the “bland” local cuisine which included avocados, beans, butternut squash, cucumbers, peanut butter stew, dried fish (kapenta) and strips of sun-dried salted meats (biltong) like kudu, ostrich, springbok and warthog. Or el

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