Chapter 4

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Chapter 4 Who will you call for help? Not a Harper Nora I returned to the hardware store to get a light globe, but it stumped me. Clarence found me in the electrical section. “Hey, Nora. What are you doing here?” “Hey, Clarence. I’m looking for a light fixture for my kitchen. The globe fell off and shattered.” “Uh, huh.” “Markus visited me and told me the globe fell off.” “Right, because light globes loosen and fall off. I have a light fixture for you.” I followed Clarence to the counter. He walked behind it and pulled out a box, setting it on the countertop. I went to pay, but he declined my payment. “It’s on the house,” Clarence told me, surprising the hell out of me. “Are you sure? I can’t accept this.” I didn’t feel right about taking something I didn’t buy. “Nora, you seem like you need some help. I’m guessing you get little help from people.” “People have good intentions, but I learned nothing ever works out for me. I’m good with it. I accepted that I have to rely on myself.” “Well, you take the light. Come see me for anything else.” “Thank you.” I offered a slight smile. I took the light, heading home. I parked, exiting the vehicle, and entering the residence. “Markus!” Okay, that’s odd. Where did that boy go? ***** Matt I fixed the doorbell and packed up my tools. “Yo, Matt!” Markus said. I saw Markus strolling towards me. I shove the plastic packaging into a plastic bag. “So, I met your new neighbor.” “Why?” “I got curious about who bought the death trap across the street. It turns out it’s a sweet, little old lady.” I c****d my head at Markus. “The woman asked me if I could help her change a light fixture. I told her I couldn’t. I know someone delighted to assist her.” I carried my toolbox to the kitchen, setting it on the counter. “I suggested you.” I arched an eyebrow. “Wait. You offered my help without asking me?” I think Uncle Maverick dropped Markus on his head and didn’t tell Aunt Larkin. “Yes, because you wouldn’t turn down a sweet, little old lady. You’re a boy scout.” “Be happy that Michael is my dad, or I’ll beat your ass.” “And Uncle Michael raised a fine son.” I rolled my eyes and shook my head, picking up my toolbox. “The next time you offer my help without asking me, I’ll beat your ass.” “Duly noted.” I walked past Markus and left, using the front door and carrying my toolbox across the street. I tapped on the screen door and waited. “Be right there!” Someone said. Why doesn’t a little old lady sound elderly? I heard footsteps as someone reached the screen door. The person opened it, surprising me. “Nora?” “Matthew?” “What are you doing here?” “I live here.” “Did you move in with your grandmother?” “What?” “Markus said a little old lady bought this house.” Nora wrinkled her nose. “I don’t know what Markus is talking about. I live alone.” “What about your boyfriend?” “What boyfriend?” Well, s**t. I had to think fast. “Someone told me you met a guy.” “If I did, the man is fictitious. I forwent dating after a guy left me covered in mud at the apple orchard.” “Oh, that is a shame.” “Not really. It’s better than finding out the guy is a major tool.” “Yeah, you don’t want to date a tool. That would be awful.” “Did you need something?” I lifted my toolbox. “Since we’re neighbors, did you need help?” “I need help with a light fixture.” Nora waved me into the house. I entered as Nora closed the screen door. “Markus came over and told me the globe fell off. He said he would help me put another one up if I picked up a light fixture at the hardware store. Clarence gave me a free one, which was odd.” “I see.” I knew full well Markus was behind this situation. “I used YouTube to watch a video on how to change the light switch. But I’m not sure about a light fixture.” “Let me take care of the light fixture. Switch off the breaker to the kitchen from the basement.” Nora complied and walked down to the basement. That damn liar. I knew he was up to something, but it might help me. What were the chances Nora would move across the street from me? ***** Nora I walked over to the breaker, flipping every switch off. I double-checked, making sure I switched off the power. “Okay! Give me a few minutes to change the fixture!” Matthew said “Okay!” I stood there, waiting. I can’t believe I moved across the street from Matthew. I wonder if he’s dating anyone. “Oh, hey, Matthew. Are you seeing anyone?” I practiced my flirting, trying to act casual. “Do you have someone special in your life? Oh, you don’t? Would you like someone?” I sounded corny. What is wrong with me? I can’t even flirt, right. I doubt Matthew would want someone who can’t make decent decisions with guys. Plus, who wants to date a housekeeper at a hotel? I contemplated how to talk to Matthew, expecting nothing in return. Squeak! My eyes widened. Oh, God. Please tell me that’s not a mouse. Squeak! Squeak! Something scurried across my shoe. Oh, hell, no! A mouse darted around the room when I switched on the lights. “Ah!” I heard Matthew say. Crash! I rushed upstairs, and Matthew was lying on my kitchen floor, motionless. Oh, my God! I rushed over and checked him, then called 911. 911. What’s your emergency? “I think I killed a guy.” I shook, trying to hold my phone. Ma’am? Did you say you think you killed a man? “Yes, he’s not moving. He was changing a light fixture. I turned on the breakers because a mouse ran across my shoe.” Okay, I’m sending help, but I need you to follow my instructions. Put me on speakerphone. I put the operator on the speaker, and she walked me through steps to help Matthew. I checked his pulse, then started chest compressions. I puffed into his mouth, performing CPR. Great, if Matthew dies, the Grays will hurt me. As I worked to resuscitate Matthew, I heard sirens. The police entered, followed by paramedics. “Nora?” Presley asked. “I think I killed Matthew,” I said, crying. Presley looked at Kaylee, speechless. “Let us take over.” Presley moved me out of the way. My screen door opened. “What the hell?” Markus asked as Mason remained speechless. “I told Matthew to help you. I didn’t think you would kill him.” Mason facepalmed himself. Presley and Kaylee helped Matthew as I kneeled there, panicking. Then we heard coughing. Matthew sat up with his hair sticking up and smoking. “Matthew? Are you okay?” Presley asked Matthew. “What happened?” Matthew asked. Everyone stared at me. “A mouse ran across my shoe, and I turned on the breakers by accident,” I said. Everyone’s eyes widened as I cringed. “Next time, run upstairs and leave the breakers off.” Matthew fell backward, passing out. “Didn’t Grammy Gray do this to Grampa Nate?” Markus asked. Markus shrugged as we stared at him. Mason shook his head as Presley rolled his eyes. I sighed. ***** Matt After my trip to the emergency room and the doctor checking me out, I heard yelling. Great, my parents are here. “Get out of my way!” Ma said. I sat on a bed as Ma and Dad found me. Ma flung the curtain back and walked over to me. “Are you okay, sweetie? Did they hurt you? Do I need to hurt them?” Ma asked me, throwing questions at me. “Lyric, calm down,” Dad told Ma. Ma glared at Dad, and he gave her a look, making her back off. “I’m fine. It was a home repair mistake. Nora electrocuted me,” I said. Ma and Dad did a double-take. I got off the bed and glanced at my parents. “I think I felt a spark,” I said, walking away. My parents’ mouths became agape as I left the emergency room. I called Beau and told him what happened. He laughed, then told me to take tomorrow off. That’ll give me time to fix the damn light fixture and keep Nora away from the breaker box. I need to teach her a lesson about electricity.
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