Chapter Eighteen

3197 Words

We sat downstairs in the small dining room with breakfast. The girl who had barged in Calder’s bedroom was Gentry’s little sister Amanda. She had grown up with Calder, Cullen, and Gentry so she was a little less well-mannered around them. She was currently prattling on about some fundraiser dinner she was excited to attend while everyone ate. I was mostly picking at my food as I still did not feel great. My chest ached still, and I did not know why. After she had left the room, Calder and I got out of bed. I changed back into my clothes from yesterday and Calder promised to take me home so I could change. He had asked me multiple times if I was okay before we came downstairs. I did not exactly know how to be okay right now or how to tell him I wasn’t, so I just nodded when he asked me.

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