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She looked at Simon as she spoke and made a little movement with her eyes. He understood and said, “Thank you, Uncle Darcy. I like lemonade.” “I liked it too when I was your age,” the Duke said, “and I would certainly have enjoyed it if I had been able to have it during the war.” “Oh, do tell us about the war,” Kasia begged. “I know you did great deeds and won lots of medals, but I am sure no one has told Simon about it.” The Duke looked surprised. He would have thought it an ordinary topic of conversation in the Castle, if nowhere else. “They would not talk to me about the war,” Simon said, “because when I was staying with Cousin Amy I said I was going to be like Uncle Darcy and shoot everyone who was an enemy.” The Duke laughed. “I am not surprised you frightened them.” “I was

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