Chapter 8

3146 Words

We sailed into the prosperous port of Ipswich, identified by Thorkell in the autumn for its rich pickings. This thriving centre was defended by an earthwork raised by Danes. Behind the walls, the settlement was laid out in a series of concentric horseshoe-shaped streets. Once we had broken down the gate, the street fighting was ferocious and with our force so large we prevailed and sacked the town. I fought beside Eilaf and Asbeorn and noticed with approval how my brother had grown into a formidable warrior. With Ipswich in our possession, we gathered in a war council. Some of the older thegns reminded the newcomers of what had happened six years before when our father and the Norse host had been driven back to their ships. The East Anglian Ealdorman, Ulfcytel Snillingr, nearly defeated t

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