I When Brenda left his office, Uncle Gled was not able to control himself to smile. He saw the shock, admiration, and then uneasiness that she felt while in front of him a while ago. He did not know how a werewolf fell in love but Uncle Gled felt different when he smelled the rich chocolate fragrance that overflowed his office when Brenda came in. Blyle, Uncle Gled’s wolf became uneasy as he tossed inside while Brenda was around. Uncle Gled shook his head. Maybe he just felt different with his new you. Brenda on one hand could not tame the galloping of her heart. Didn’t she regret before that their CEO was gay or acting like a gay? She even thought before that if he was not gay, she might have liked him, more than he liked Thorin, because she preferred older men than her. She s