I met up with Cass at the nearest coffee shop. She wanted to talk to me, and I was nervous that I would spill stuff that I wasn't supposed to. I was itching to tell someone about Thaniel, but I wasn't allowed to. I had to adhere to the rules, as much as I wanted to break them. I could see it now. The chase and punishment that would ensue for being a brat and breaking a rule, and being seen in public would be worse, but I couldn't do that to Thaniel. Not yet at least. I didn't want Evie down my throat. Or the whole pack for that matter. I ordered a latte and sat down in the far corner booth, waiting for my best friend to show up. She tended to run late, especially on days that her husband was home. I assumed they were too busy having fun and she lost track of time. "Sorry, I'm late! Mart