Chapter 21

1235 Words

Conrad "Take your clothes off, Martin. I wanna see your naked body," I ordered Martin again but he just shook his head and for some reason that really irritated me, like I could tell that he wanted me too, that's why he brought me here to his room because he wants me or am I just assuming it? "I would love to do that, Conrad, but maybe next time when you're not high as f**k and you're in the right state of mind to give consent," Martin replied to me and I just scoff at him. That's the lamest excuse I've ever heard, what kind of consent does he want from me? I already told him that I want him, I want to see his naked body. "Come on, just f*****g do it for me," I scolded him. Martin just shook his head at me again and then he slowly wrapped his hand around my waist before he picked me up,

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