Chapter 28

1539 Words

Conrad "What the hell!" I'm staring hard at my eyes in the mirror, dumbfounded. Shock would be just an understatement of what I'm feeling right now. Ryker is not lying at all when he says that my eyes are piercing green. "N-no, this is not so f*****g happening," I said softly to myself and I can't help but swallow my saliva thinking of all the worst things possible that were about to happen in my life. I rubbed my eyes for a few seconds, I was hoping that my eyes were just deceiving me but every time I stared at my eyes again in the mirror, it only appeared to me that this was real and I have piercing green eyes right now. I let out a deep sigh, I'm trying to calm myself down, I fumbled in my pocket to search for my phone but it wasn't there. I was starting to panic a little bit, I wen

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