"Operation Impress Mate"

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Kenzi: I woke up the next morning with butterflies in my stomach. I really hope this morning will go by quickly. I couldn't wait for the interview! After a quick lunch I got in my car and took the drive back to the town of Gold Moon (what a weird name for a town). I got there 15 minutes early. Dr. Sam was right, it wasn't hard to find. I hadn’t ventured out this far last time I drove through town. The clinic was a beautiful white two story building with a clean manicured lawn and a sign up front saying “Golden Moon Medical Clinic '' with a picture of a black wolf howling at a gold moon. It was original to say the least. Most clinics I've seen use a picture of a red cross or no picture at all. I drive past the front of the building and park in the small parking lot on the other side. I take a deep breath and exit the car. I enter the double doors in the front of the building and head straight to the front desk. “Hi, how may I help you today miss?” A slightly older lady answers from behind the desk. “Hi, I have an interview with Dr. Sam.” I answer nervously. “You must be Kenzi. Welcome dear! My name is Isabelle. We can’t wait to have you work with us.” “I hope to be able to work here too, this place seems great. I can't believe Dr. Sam actually agreed to this interview” I give her a small smile. “My husband has a big heart and is always willing to see the best in people. He's ready to see you, follow me.” She must be Dr. Sam’s wife. I follow the jovial lady towards an office and she signals for me to go in. “Hello, you must be Kenzi. Have a seat. I'm Dr. Sam, we spoke on the phone yesterday.” “Hi, it's a pleasure to meet you sir” I say as I take a seat. The interview went really well. He showed me around the clinic. It was very modern, which surprised me for such a small town. The clinic was separated into two main hallways. On the main floor there was the emergency department on one side for walk ins and appointments. In the second hallway was the pediatric and maternity ward. It was so cozy with its pastel colors. They even had a little playroom for the kids. The second floor was similarly separated. The radiology department and a small surgical room was to the left. The right hallway held a long term care unit with a few rooms that were currently unoccupied. This clinic surprised me. It felt more like a mini hospital than a clinic. He introduced me to a few employees including Dr. Cassandra. She was the Obgyn and also took care of the pediatric wing. She was even willing to take me on as her patient to make sure everything goes smoothly through-out my pregnancy. This place was amazing and the people running it too. I really hope they hire me! “Kenzi, let's head back to the office and we can talk about the salary and maternity leave.” “Yes Sir” We head back and he starts explaining how maternity leave starts at 36 weeks of gestation and lasts for 9 months. I could come back part time after that if I felt it was too soon to be back full time. They had an excellent day care facility a few blocks away that could take care of my child. Work shifts included occasional evenings and weekends and the pay was more than fair. This was a dream job! “The job is yours if you want it.” He says. “Of course I want it!” I exclaimed. The doctor chuckles “Alright then, head on over to the front desk. My wife Isabelle will have you fill out the required paperwork.” “Thank you so much Dr. Sam. When would you like me to start?” “Is Monday too soon for you?” “No, that will be perfect, thanks again!” I say as I leave the office with a big smile on my face. My luck was finally starting to turn around. Alex: I head to the clinic around three. I have everything set up to hopefully impress Kenzi and make her stay. I arrive at the front desk and start chatting with Isabelle. She has always been so nice to me. As a warrior, I am probably in here more often than anyone else. It can be a dangerous job. Rogues are quite feral and have given me a few gashes in the last few years. I've always overpowered them but battle scars happen sometimes. My mom always makes me come and get checked out even though she knows I heal quickly. It's just easier to go along with her than to hear her chastising me non-stop. “Have you met Kenzi yet?” I ask Isabelle. “Yes. She seems lovely, dear. She will make a great mate.” “That's if she accepts me” I say with a sigh. “She will dear, just give her some time. Be patient with her, she will come around.” “Thanks Isabelle” I answer as I notice Kenzi coming out of Dr. Sam’s office and heading towards me. “Hey Alex, what are you doing here? Are you ok?” Isn't she sweet, worrying about me even if she barely knows me. “I’m fine. Just checking in on Isabelle. How did your interview go?” “Oh this place is great! I can’t believe I get to start work on Monday!” She turns her head to face Isabelle. “Mrs.Isabelle, Dr.Sam said you would have paperwork for me to fill out before I go?” “Yes dear, here you go. There are two pages for you to fill out, pretty basic stuff really. Just need you to fill out your personal information and your banking information if you want direct deposit for your paycheck. Otherwise, we can also make you a bank cheque every other week, it's up to you.” “Ok. Thanks Mrs. Isabelle. '' "Just Isabelle is fine dear" Isabelle answers with a chuckle. Kenzi grabs the clipboard with the papers and heads off to sit on a chair in the waiting room. “What are you waiting for dear? Go sit with your mate and start a conversation.” “Thanks Isabelle” I say as I go and take the seat next to Kenzi. She looks up at me as I sit down. She has stars in her big brown eyes. She's looking genuinely happy for once. “So, would you like a tour of town once you're done here?” I ask. “Are you offering?” She says with her eyebrows furrowed a bit. It was cute. “Yup, if you want to of course” I answer, feeling slightly insecure all of a sudden. She might not want to spend time with me. She can't feel the mate bond after all. “Don't you have anything better to do than hang out with me?” she asks. As if anything would be more important that spending time with her. “You will be a part of this town so I think I should get to know you some more. What better way to spend my time than with a beautiful young lady by my side.” She blushes bright red. Damn she's adorable! I can’t believe she's my mate. With her working here, I should be able to see her more. I can’t wait! “I'm done. I’m going to go hand this to Isabelle and then you can show me around” She says as she gets up from her seat. “Awesome. It's a beautiful day out, I hope you don't mind walking for a bit.” “Walking sounds perfect” We head outside and walk by the daycare center. I point out the park that's next door. After that we head over to the apartment complex. She seems confused but I have a little surprise for her. “What are we doing here?” she asks when we stop in front of a small apartment building a few blocks away from the clinic. “I have a surprise. Just give me a second, I have to find the key.” I fish through my pockets for the key Jackson gave me. It's his building and it happened to have a spare unit on the main floor. As a bonus, my little sister also lives in this building so she would be able to keep an eye on her. I open the apartment door. A cute frown appears on her face. “So, I thought that if you took the job you might need a place to stay.” I say hesitantly. “This is for me?” She says surprised. “Yeah, well if you want it. You don't have to if you don't like it. I could help you find something else” When did I start getting nervous around girls? What the hell! She starts walking around and as she opens the bedroom door I hear her gasp. “There's a nursery!” she says surprised yet excited, as a few tears fall down her face. “I hope you don't mind. My older sister had a lot of this stuff in storage. She said you could have it. If you don't like it, I can give it back. Please don’t cry.” “I love it!” she answers. I let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding. She likes it, maybe she will stay. Kenzi: I was so impressed by Alex. He didn't have to do this for me. He was too sweet. The nursery was perfect. It had a white crib with a matching changing table and dresser. The crib was set up with some light yellow bedding and a stuffed animal of a wolf was placed inside. He even had a rocking chair set up in the corner. I could feel myself tear up again, this was too much. The rest of the apartment was set up with the essential furniture. The kitchen had a simple 4 person table and chairs with a white fridge, stove and microwave. The living room flowed with the kitchen and had a two seater couch with a small wooden coffee table and a flat screen tv on the wall. It wasn't a huge tv but it would be perfect. The master bedroom was beside the nursery with a queen bed and a white dresser. I could already envision myself living here. It would be perfect for me and my peanut. “Does that mean you will stay?” he asks, seeming uncertain. “Yes!” I scream as I jump into his arms and hug him tight. I quickly let go. “Sorry, I didn't mean to jump on you like that. I just got carried away” he laughs and gives me another hug. “You can do that anytime Kenzi.” My face must be so red by now. Suddenly, out of nowhere, my morning sickness hits and I rush to the bathroom and puke my lunch out. Oh no! I can’t believe I just did that in front of Mr. Hot stuff. He will definitely never want to go on a date with me now. I feel so embarrassed. God Kill me now! Urggg! Alex: I see her dash to the bathroom and can hear her emptying out her stomach. “Hey Kenz, are you ok?” “Yeah, just morning sickness.” I quickly leave the apartment to head to my sisters. She lives in the apartment just above this one. I barge in, surprising Chelsey. “Chels, I need a washcloth and something to drink. My mate is puking downstairs and I haven't had time to buy any towels or groceries. Please, I need your help.” “Relax, I got you.” she quickly fetches a cold wash cloth, a bottle of orange juice and a pack of soda crackers. “Here grab this, I want to hear all about this mate of yours later. Don’t forget!” “Thanks Chels” I say as I dash back downstairs. Kenzi: I must’ve scared him off. I don't even know why they call it morning sickness, it's mid-afternoon for god's sake! I quickly rinse my mouth with some tap water. The apartment doesn't seem to have any cups so I just put my head straight under the tap. Not a minute later Alex barges into the apartment again. Maybe I didn't scare him away? “Here, I thought this might help.” He hands me a bottle of orange juice and some crackers. “Where did you get all this?” “My sister. She lives upstairs.” “Oh, well let her know I say thanks. And thank you Alex. You didn't have to do that.” “I wanted to” I felt the color return to my cheeks. “Come on, let's sit down for a minute.” He says, heading to the couch in the living room. He puts the cold washcloth on the back of my neck. I'm not sure if I'm hot because of his close proximity or because I just puked but the washcloth really helped cool me down. I drink my juice and eat a few crackers. I do feel a whole lot better. It felt so comfortable sitting here beside him. We talked about everything. He told me he was 25 and grew up around here. He loves to go to the gym, hang out with his friends and go walking in the woods. I found out he works security. Has two sisters and is really close to his parents. Damn he sounded like a dream guy. I really hope he isn't too good to be true. Alex: It felt so nice sitting beside my mate. It was so hard to focus on what she was saying as I kept spacing out and thinking about our future together. As we were getting cozier, she even lets me put my arm around her shoulders. I could feel the tingles from our touch. From the surprised face she made, I'm sure she can feel them too. She relaxed in my arms and opened up about her parents and her life in Montreal. Time flew by, she must be getting hungry. “Hey, how about we head over to the dinner. It's not too far from here.” “Yeah sure, sounds good. I'm starving.” I'm so happy she accepted. I wasn't ready to let her out of my sight. Operation Impress Mate was off to a good start. Now if only I could get her to fall in love with me.
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