Chapter 16 - Powerless!

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Chante I had followed Cat’s instructions to the letter knowing she was leading me into a trap and making sure nobody could find me. I was a damn cop! I should have known better, right? I didn’t. I walked into the dark empty building hoping my mom, at least, came out of this alive. I knew Cat wanted me because of my dad. “There you are. I’ve been wondering if you were going to show up.” She appeared behind me and I felt the gun pushing into my back. “I did as you asked, now let my mother go.” I pulled from her grasp, getting hit by the gun on my back for my trouble. As I stumbled to the floor she laughed, and I found I hated the woman. I never hated anyone in my entire life. I made a point of not hating people because it just forced you to carry baggage that you really didn’t need. “I see the station is appointing substandard officers these days. Did you really think I would let her go?” She gripped my hair and dragged me to the only room inside the building where my mother was tied to a chair. I could see that she had been crying, and I wanted nothing more than to free her and just hold onto her. I wished I could tell my mom that everything would be okay, but I didn’t know if it was going to be okay. “What do you want from us? We don’t have money!” I hissed at Cat as she tied me to a chair looking like the cat that got the damn cream. “Oh, honey, I don’t need money! I have loads of that. No, I need something a lot sinister. Now be a good girl and stay.” She disappeared, and I heard the door lock behind her. “Are you okay, mom? Did she hurt you?” I looked at my mother’s tear-stained face as she tried to answer my questions, but her mouth was covered with tape. “I will get us out of here, okay?” I scanned the empty room and had no idea how the hell I would get us out of this. It was clear that Cat had a plan. She had been watching us the entire time. She was ready for us. Freddie I was paging through the newspaper when my phone rang. I wasn’t surprised to hear from Christa since she was my only friend. “Something’s happened, Freddie.” Her voice told me it was serious. “Cat has Chante Simmons.” With that short little sentence, she sent my heart right down to my dang shoes! Out of everybody, Chante was the last person I thought Cat would go after! Yes, her father had ties to Cat, but I thought she would come after me or Christa or any of the other officers that were on the outside! Why did she need Chante? “I’m on my way.” I hung up knowing she was going to tell me not to come in. I was on my third day off! I grabbed my jacket and keys and made my way into the station as fast as I could. I didn’t care about the girl. I mean, I didn’t have feelings for her or anything, but she was my rookie! I burst through the doors and scanned for Christa. She was in the briefing room with the task team and I made my way there. She saw me and stopped me just as I was about to storm in. “I was trying to tell you not to come in, Freddie. We have everything under control. We will find her.” I rolled my eyes at Christa. I knew how things worked! “She is my rookie!” I glared at my friend, who sighed. “That is why you can’t get involved.” We walked to her office and she indicated that I should take a seat, but there was no way in hell I would be able to sit down. “How did this happen?” I felt a headache coming as I paced her office. “We received a ransom note that was hand-delivered and, yes, we are checking the footage and the note and envelope have been sent for prints, but you know Cat. We aren’t going to get much.” Christa showed me photographs of the evidence and I finally sat down. “Why does she want Simmons?” I frowned. “We suspect he hid some of her money, and she needs that to get out of dodge.” Christa shrugged, but I suspected that wasn’t the entire story. “Freddie, you can’t be involved in this part of the investigation. I will make sure you are kept up to date on what is happening. We are working with the department of corrections and all the other parties involved.” “You can’t give her, Simmons! She will kill all of them!” I shouted and Christa glared at me. “Don’t you think I know that?! We are doing everything we can to bring them back safely.” Christa sighed, and I felt the same way I felt the day I heard Miller was killed. Powerless! I was a damn cop and I couldn’t do a damn thing to save Chante and her mother!! I followed Christa to the briefing room where they showed me what they had found in the apartment. It looked as though Cat captured her mother first and then used Chante’s mom as the bait to get her hands on Chante! The officers who were supposed to keep an eye on the two of them were questioned, and they saw nothing which I didn’t believe for a minute. They weren’t where they were supposed to be, and as soon as it was all over, the evidence would show that! That was the only explanation. Since it was clear that Cat hadn’t grabbed them at the apartment, there was no use in going there. The tech guys were tracing their phones and coming up with very little and the squad cars had already gone out to where they last picked up Chante’s phone. Everybody was doing what they were supposed to, but I still felt as if it wasn’t enough!
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