Chapter 20 - Going home.

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Chante “I honestly thought they were going to kill us.” I rubbed my forehead. The task team wanted me and my mom to give our statements as soon as we arrived and all I could think about was my mother. I wanted to take her home. I wanted to go home and wash away everything we had been through. “I think we have everything. Thank you, Officer Simmons. I will arrange for a car to take you and your mother home.” Sadly, we didn’t know much. For one, we didn’t see Cat that much, so we couldn’t really tell them much. She kept us locked up. That was about it. “I will take them.” Freddie appeared in front of me and for some reason I had to fight back the tears. I swallowed hard to try and get rid of the knot in my throat as I put my arm around my crying mother. We got into the back of Freddie’s truck, and he drove us home in silence. We arrived and nobody said a word as we climbed out. It was only when he locked the truck and followed us inside that I turned to look at him. “Thank you for everything you’ve done for us, but I can take it from here.” It wasn’t that I didn’t want him there. I just really wanted to take a shower and take care of my mom. “I’m not leaving the two of you alone.” His jaw was set and I nodded. My shower could wait. I mean, how long could he hang around?! We went inside and found the spare key in the light socket outside the apartment. I luckily put one there for emergencies. I didn’t miss the look of surprise in his eyes and I couldn’t help but smile. “Why don’t the two of you get cleaned up, and I will order in.” He took his jacket off, putting it on the back of one of the bar stools, and I opened my mouth. “I won’t take no for an answer, Chante.” He frowned. It was clear he was planning on staying for a while and I could really do with that hot shower. I helped my mom to her room where she said she could help herself and went to my room to get cleaned up. My hair had never felt as dirty. Not even during training. I could feel the injuries, but I tried not to look at them. I had just walked out of my room when I heard my mother laugh and I frowned. The food had just arrived and she and Campbell were in the kitchen getting plates and glasses. “There you are!” My mother smiled, but I could see the sadness in her eyes. “I was just telling Freddie here how you used to try and hide your vegetables from me.” I helped them to set the table, and we dug into the incredibly delicious food. I had no idea whether it tasted so good because we hadn’t eaten much while we were Cat’s prisoners or if the food was just that good. I appreciated that Freddie didn’t ask us about what happened. He kept the conversation light. After dinner, he joined us on the couch and, if I was honest with myself, it felt good to have him there. I wasn’t sure if I would have felt as safe if it was just me and my mom. Cat didn’t take us from our apartment, but fear suddenly reared its ugly head. My mom went to bed after the movie and when Freddie insisted on staying the night, I helped him to make a bed on the couch. We sat down with some hot tea and I knew he had questions. He was my training officer. He probably wanted to know why I was such a damn i***t. “The task team told me that you paid the ransom. Thank you. I can’t believe my dad wouldn’t tell you where the money was!” I blurted out, feeling a little guilty that I was babbling. “Yeah, Christa was furious, but it’s okay. Now the prosecutor knows that your father has the money somewhere. It will make the case against him stronger.” He frowned, but he didn’t say anything about the ransom money. “Chante, you have to go and see him. Now,” He lifted his hand and silenced me when I opened my mouth. “Hear me out. You need to find closure for yourself. What happened to you and your mom is going to haunt you for a while, and I’m not saying you should go and see him tomorrow, but you need to get closure.” I nodded. He was right. I had to speak to my dad. I wanted to know why. Why did he do what he did? Why wouldn’t he tell them where the money was to save me and mom? I had a million other questions, but I was so damn tired I couldn’t think straight. We said goodnight and I went to bed. Freddie I hated telling her that she had to see that man, but I knew from past experiences how incredibly important closure was. Even if he didn’t say what she wanted to hear. I could tell that she had questions. I would have had them. I made myself comfortable on the couch and wondered again if I shouldn’t ask them to move in with me. It would be a little awkward, but I felt incredibly protective over the two of them. I hadn’t felt like this about anyone for a while. I think it was because the man that promised to protect them betrayed them both, and I wanted to show them that not all men were like that. Just until they were able to get back on their feet. They might be able to look after themselves financially, but they have a long road ahead emotionally. They were going to need support, and there was no way I would be able to sleep on this lumpy couch for too long.
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