In its Pure Beauty - Diana Dee B

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Characters: Virginia (Ginny) Florence (Flo) – her sister Jace – her father’s right hand Matthias (Matt) – her fiancé Arlo – Matt’s brother ~*~ “Are you sure about this, sis?” Florence passed me a new glass of champagne, her brows raising up and up until they almost disappeared in her hair. The bubbles stung my throat as I drank the liquid in a single gulp. Was I sure about this? It was indeed a valid question, and the truth was I had no idea. “It’s going to be alright, Flo.” Lying to myself was the new way of making peace with the sad future ahead of me. Perhaps I assumed saying it out loud would make me feel better about myself. Sadly, it didn’t change anything, and I still felt like crap. But at least my hands stopped trembling after the alcohol attacked my senses. The head spun briefly, yet the dizziness provided strange and most desired comfort. I was no longer that tense. “Ginny, this is your life, goddammit!” She whisper-yelled at me. Yes. My life. Like every little girl, I imagined a Prince Charming in shiny armor, arriving proudly on the back of his white stallion and declaring his everlasting love for me. We would fall madly in love and live happily ever after. Was I being naïve? Well, the blame should be put on all those fairy tales successfully ruining my expectations of men. “It was a common practice in the past that royal families or wealthy clans formed alliances via arranged marriages. Even nowadays, some cultures still support the initiative. If this is needed to stop the war, it will be my honor to marry Matthias Scavo.” I responded mechanically, like a robot programmed to give out all the politically correct answers. Flo glared at me with her jaw dropped. She must have thought I was insane, her expression screaming “bullshit” straight into my face. Yet no other words were coming from her mouth, and soon she distanced herself from me. It was her silent protest for which I couldn’t blame her. These were no longer medieval times, and consequently, the proposal to marry the enemy to safeguard the position of my family was quite controversial. “We should feed those Neanderthals with our bullets instead of signing agreements!” Jace, my father’s right hand, often claimed. He stormed off my father’s office after the arrangement had been announced. In general, people were pleased that the ages-long war with the Scavo clan would be over. So many lives were wasted and so many graves got filled with coffins. And for what? Money? Power? Status? Some pissing contest between mafia clans? Sighs of relief filled the room, and no one seemed to be bothered by the fact that I was selling my body and soul for the sake of the Russo clan. “You are the key, sweety.” My father told me. Though to me this felt like I was the one eating bullets. Literally. The train of my thoughts was cut when a large hand landed on my bare shoulder. Jace. I didn’t have to look to recognize the scent of his cologne, or the rhythm of his heartbeat whenever he got too close to me. I always suspected Jace had a crush on me, even though he never expressed it. Maybe it was out of respect for my father or maybe I was just delusional, imagining this handsome man was into me. Sadly, I would never find out. “All guests are here. Your father asked for you.” As he removed his hand from my shoulder, I turned around to face him. His voice sounded too formal, almost as if he was a stranger and not someone who knew me from my early teenage years. “Is Matthias here?” I asked hesitantly. “Yes, your fiancé is here.” Jace gritted his teeth, his gaze shifting elsewhere. “Let’s go.” I followed his lead and we slalomed together through all the guests who came to my parents’ mansion to celebrate New Year’s Eve. New year, a new beginning, right? Blood pounded in my ears when I noticed the tall figure of Matthias Scavo, rolling the ice cube inside the whisky glass in gentle moves. This wasn’t the first time I would be meeting him, so I shouldn’t feel stressed. Nevertheless, a prickling sensation shot up my spine when he tilted his head to meet my gaze. Breathe, Virginia, breathe. The first time I met Matthias was exactly three weeks ago. My friends dragged me to the disco club, their goal simple, to celebrate my birthday. I may have gone a bit too wild and danced on the tables. Eventually, my foot twisted in those high heels, and I kissed the floor. The level of alcohol in my blood prevented me from feeling any shame or awkwardness. Only when I replayed that scene in my mind the morning after I blushed and hid under a blanket. But in that disco club, I was too bold. Failing to stand up, I just threw away those nasty heels which burned my feet and complained. “You dropped something.” The deep voice with a sexy foreign accent approached me from above, and my head lifted to have a better look at its source. Damn, was he handsome! Or maybe it was just my vision getting compromised due to large alcohol consumption. Anyhow, the man’s hand was stretched towards me, and I took it. The pair of my over-expensive heels were in his other hand. “Oh, I don’t need those anymore.” “Walking barefoot in a dark, crowded place is not very wise, nor is it safe.” “Carry me then!” Bold, very bold. My arms wrapped around his neck on their own accord. This man smelled nice. Like sage and sandalwood. Hmm. Did he taste good too? When was the last a man touched me? I couldn’t recall. And I didn’t get the chance to find out either. Out of nowhere, my bodyguard jumped between us, tearing me away from the stranger with beautiful eyes. Green. The eyes were bright green, and I could see it despite the club’s artificial red and blue lights flashing. “Get off her!” The bodyguard threatened, pulling the whining drunken me behind him. And it was that moment when the look in the stranger’s eyes shifted from seductive into… into… something dangerous. In a glimpse of a second, his right hand moved behind his back and pulled out the steel- and iron-made beast. I yelped. As bizarre as it may have been, the daughter of a mafia boss never witnessed anyone being shot. And no one in the club wished to hear the beast roar. “What’s going on?” Another stranger but the similarities couldn’t be ignored. Same height, same hair color, and same eyes. They looked so much alike. Relatives. Definitely. “I don’t know, Arlo. I was just having a nice chat with a lady when this fucker decided to ruin the moment!” He growled at my bodyguard, whose hands were lifted high in surrender. The color drained from my face as I stared at the gun. Paralyzed. Immediately sobered up. The music was still on, but to me, it was as if the background noises were muted, and all I could hear was my heart beating like a drum. “Hey, Matt. Hey, hey, hey -” Arlo touched Matt’s hand, then slowly grabbed the gun by its barrel, pushing it down. He was the calmer one, while his brother (or cousin?) was the one having evident anger management issues. “That’s Virginia Russo,” Arlo whispered my name, and I glanced at him with astonishment. Their further exchange was inaudible, and not a single peep left their mouths as they silently walked away from me. As if being Russo meant having a deadly disease. Though, the reason for their hurried departure was of entirely different purpose. A week later, Matthias Scavo asked for a meeting with my father, offering peace and alliance. Just like that. Decades of hatred to be forgotten and forever erased. He had only one condition, and that was getting my hand. Another week later, the decision-making process followed, and it was crystal clear that I had to marry him. Because I was the key. And one more week later, we happened to be here, on the last day of the calendar year. My life changed dramatically, and it took just a moment of a finger snap. Incredible how fast the time was running. The bright green eyes measured me up to down while I kept playing with the empty champagne glass. Nervous. I was so nervous. “There she is!” My father stated the obvious, excitement written all over him. I forced my lips into a decent smile, although my insides performed somersaults. Not that I would despise Matthias. Hell, no! He represented a Greek god with the body carved into perfection, and it was unmistakable despite all that luxurious fabric blocking the view. But… It just didn’t feel right. I didn’t know him. At all. From the corner of my eyes, I noticed Jace leaning against the wall. My sister Florence was beside him, disappointed frowns decorating both their faces. “You are very beautiful tonight,” Matthias said with the unique accent that defined him, and my cheeks flushed red. He was quite charming, I had to admit. “How about we speak in private?” “Excellent idea.” Father chimed in, although I wished for him to stay the heck quiet. He already interfered too much. “Why don’t you two go for a walk? Our garden is lovely in this season.” He encouraged. “Um, I need to refresh myself first. Meet you in the garden in a couple of minutes.” Turning on my heel, I rushed to the nearest bathroom. “Don’t take too long, sweety. It’s already close to midnight.” f**k the New Year’s celebration, I wanted to scream. Hearing my father’s nonchalance flooded my veins with rage. The trembling hand clenched into a fist so tightly that the knuckles turned white. It hit the wooden surface of the bathroom door. The pain did not bother me. On the contrary, it provided the necessary release. Alongside, a sigh of frustration escaped me. Again, what the hell was I doing? Narrowing my eyes at my mirror reflection, I repeated to myself that this was important for my family. And surely Matthias was a nice person. Right? Right?! Mmm-hmm. Like all the mafia bosses. Who was I kidding? Argh! Infuriated with myself and with the unfairness of the universe, I almost kicked the door off its hinges and directed myself to the hallway leading to the garden exit. The lights of majestic chandeliers were switched off, and the only source of light was the candles on bronze pillar holders, creating an overall intimate atmosphere. The clicking sound of my heels against the porcelain tiles filled the emptiness of the long hallway. Each foot stamping as if the elephant passed through instead of an average S-size woman. I was so absorbed in my thoughts that I hadn’t even noticed another pair of footsteps behind me. I yelped when a male hand covered my eyes and pulled me closer. “What the -” But before I managed to produce the complete sentence, the other hand landed on my mouth and kept it shut. “Shh, la belleza pura.” There was that unforgettable accent again mixed with an intoxicating scent. The aroma of sage and sandalwood bewitched me, and my back relaxed against his firm chest. Hearing him calling me pure beauty tickled me. My knees were weak, and tiny shivers ran through my skin. Like a teenage girl meeting her idol, I almost squealed. Could I act that silly? Oh, I guess I could. Overwhelmed, I let my feet float above the floor as the strong man carried me. It took just a couple of steps for him to press me against the wall. The hand slid off my mouth. “Matthias?” I whispered but he hushed me again. Carefully, the fingers tangled into my long hair and pulled them aside, exposing the bare skin of my neck. I should have expressed my disapproval of such an ambush, but after all, he was my future husband. What was the harm in this innocent tease? As the hot breath made the initial contact with my neck and the lips brushed across it, I submitted to him. Butterflies spread their wings and flew inside my belly, shaping the choreography of erotic dance. And the warmth formed in my core, that warmth that I didn’t feel for a very long time. “Mmmmmmm.” I purred like a cat being stroked. It encouraged him, and with a swift movement, he spun me around and slammed his lips against mine. Nobody ever warned me that the kiss could taste like this. Desire curled through me in hot tendrils that insinuated themselves in deep, private places. Soon the jolt of surprise was replaced by raw emotions – hunger, lust, and eagerness to explore more. The kiss was so rough and passionate, and I couldn’t believe how addictively it invaded all my senses. My heart pounded at least a trillion beats a minute, close to collapsing. Instantly I was gathered into the hard urgency to get more of him. Hence, my hands wandered all around his chest, embracing the perfect firm muscles and getting rewarded with a satisfied moan from deep in his throat. This could actually work. The chemistry between us was undeniable. I was already dripping wet for him. Drunken by the hell of a kiss, I peeked with one eye only whether this was all real or just a lovely fantasy. It was way too dark to see clearly, but I could recognize those green pools nonetheless. “Close your eyes.” He demanded, and I obeyed. The tenderness of his next kiss made me moan. It was just a brief touch of lips and even briefer teeth-nibbling, yet it cast a certain spell on me. I waited for more to come but there were none. He left. Oh… Confused, I walked outdoors and found him leaning against the brick wall with his hands in his pockets. “Is it how it’s going to be from now on? Stealing a kiss and then leaving me hanging, completely aroused?” I laughed and hugged myself around the shoulders. It was a bit chilly, although we were in the country with permanent summer weather. “What?” Lips formed a thin line as the green eyes pierced through me. “Oh, c’mon! Your hands were just all over me.” I froze when there was no reaction coming. “Who the f**k touched you?!” He jumped beside me, grabbing me by my shoulders and shaking me violently. He was no longer the charming man who appraised me by calling me pure beauty. Instead, raw anger stirred within him, and like a raging bull, he was ready to crush bones. “I- I… You touched me.” Was the only logical answer I could provide. If not him, then who? That kiss wasn’t just an illusion or a mere wish for a fairy tale to become real. Or was it? “If I kissed you, you would have recognized it!” He yelled into my ear. Expecting the worst, I closed my eyes and prayed silently to wake up from this unpleasant dream. But no. He didn’t hit me. Instead, he focused on the poor garden furniture and smashed it against the brick wall. Both chairs as well as the coffee table. “What do you think you’re doing? Ginny, did the brute hurt you?” Jace ran out of the house, my family members behind him. Embracing me protectively, he created a shield between Matthias and me. And the soon-to-be husband didn’t like it. “It was you!” “It was me what?” “You think I haven’t noticed how you stare at her?” “Somebody please explains what’s going on!” My father groaned, joining the argument between Jace and Matthias. “He and your slut of a daughter hooked up behind my back and then threw it into my face!” “No! That’s absurd!” I protested but no one listened to me. The audience got distracted by what happened next. “Don’t you dare call her a slut!” Jace roared and swung his right. But his opponent foresaw the movement and met him halfway, lashing out with his own right. That punch was faster, and it caught Jace off guard. Taking it on the jaw, Jace’s head tilted to the side, the blood spraying out of his mouth. A high-pitch shriek escaped me, and it distracted Matthias shortly. Though, that moment was enough for Jace to grab and hurl him into the ground with all his might. I could swear a cloud of dust arose. “Enough!” The powerful voice of my father drifted through all the gasps of our curious guests as well as through the sound of fists beating the flesh. He grasped Jace from behind and stopped the wrestling. “Yeah, that’s indeed enough. I changed my mind. Forget about peace, Russo. I will never marry your daughter after the disrespect your clan just showed me. This means war!” Matthias said when he got up from the ground, spitting next to my father’s feet. Tears pushed through my eyelashes when my father glared at me with the utmost disappointment. Virginia, what have you done? Matthias did not beat around the bush and simply stormed off. Whispers and shocked chatters buzzed around my ears, causing me nausea and headache. I just wished to vanish into thin air. A scandal that I couldn’t even explain! “Mr. Russo.” The voice paralyzed me. That accent. Same as Matthias’s though the voice belonged to someone else. “I apologize for my hotheaded brother. I promise to talk to him and fix this mess. It is in my family’s best interest to secure the original agreement.” “Young man, the behavior of your brother - “ “I know, I know. Matt’s an ass sometimes. And he will apologize to you. Not just to you but also to belleza pura. I mean, to Miss Virginia. And we can all forget about the little misunderstanding.” La belleza pura. The words echoed in my head as my eyes met the ones of Arlo Scavo. Same accent, same height, same hair color, and same green eyes. In the shadow of candle flames, the brothers looked almost identical. “Nine…eight…seven…six….” The drama was over, and guests returned to their refilled glasses. Midnight was here, and so was the New Year. Florence appeared next to me and guided me inside. “…five…four…three…two…” Barely keeping my balance, I stared aimlessly forward, my mind busy and over-analyzing the event of this crazy night. Jace approached me. He had something to tell me. Something that couldn’t wait. The bruise on his cheek sent a pinch of guilt into my stomach. And yet I couldn’t forget Arlo Scavo and how casually he acted before he excused himself and ran after his brother. Or how the corners of his lips stretched into a smile when our eyes met, revealing the small traces of my lipstick. “Don’t marry him, Ginny.” Jace’s hand gently touched mine. Ahh... This wasn’t fair. Why now? After so many years of keeping the distance, the request and confession came at the wrong period. The mind was occupied, and the heart was on its journey elsewhere. It craved the unique taste of that kiss. A perfect kiss between two strangers. A portrayal of genuine beauty. Replaying the memory that was still too vivid, the burning and tingling sensation just kept devouring me. “…one!” Author Pen name: Diana Dee B. Author’s works: fantasy romance stories available @ Dreame, 3 completed stories: The Blind Bond, Alpha King & his Trophy, The Return of the Prodigal Alpha 2 ongoing stories: His H(a)unted Mate, Tempted by the Demoness 2 upcoming stories: The Werewolf Slayer, The Chronicles of one Fallen Witch Author’s groups, sss: Diana Dee B. – author
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