A Forbidden Love - Z Ali

3394 Words
Kathleen stole a glance at Levi, hoping that no one caught her secretly checking him out. Her lips twitched into a tiny smile, which she swiftly masked by pursing her lips. She was the Vampire Princess of the South and he was her guard. Yet, she couldn't help but get attracted to him. His chiselled face, dark hair, and light brown eyes weren't the only reason why she liked him. He was smart and gentle, unlike most men she knew. Nonetheless, she knew nothing could happen between them. Her father would never allow it. So she tried hard to inhibit her feelings yet with each day, they grew and it scared her. "M'lady." Levi's throaty voice interrupted her thoughts and at the same time, made the hair on the back of her neck rise. She cleared her throat, pretending that she wasn't influenced by him. "Yes," she said as professionally as she could. "The suitors are waiting and your father has asked for you," he said. Heaving a deep breath, she glanced into his eyes. As usual, his face remained neutral, but she thought she glimpsed something else in his pretty brown eyes. Was it sorrow? Kathleen narrowed her eyes, trying to read him. Was he sad that her father was arranging her marriage? She shook her head thinking that she must be seeing things. "Okay," she whispered standing up from the seat. "Levi," she said, once again making eye contact with him. "I want you to stay with me." She met the suitors and like always, she liked none of them. No one seemed to overshadow Levi. When compared to her guard, the only thing that they had was status. Levi came from a poor family in her district while the others came from various royal families from different sectors of the Vampires. To her, being a decent person was far more preferable than having a rank. Although her father was disappointed that she had made no decision, he supported her and rejected all of the potential husbands. Levi escorted her back to her quarters. As she followed him up the stairs and down the corridor, she wondered if she would ever be able to find someone who would surpass Levi. To her, he was the perfect gentleman; the kind of life partner she desired. "Oomph…" She walked right into Levi, not realising that they had reached her room. She would have fallen on her ass if Levi hadn't wrapped his arm around her and helped her regain her posture. Her heart did somersaults in her chest. His scent started to pull her into a trance. Throughout the two years, he had been her personal guard, she had never gotten so close to him. Their gaze locked and her lips parted. Mesmerised by his charm, she stared into his light brown eyes, without blinking for a few seconds. There was one thing Kathleen was sure she saw in his eyes; affection. "Oh, I'm so sorry, M'lady. Are you hurt?" Levi quickly apologised and let her go. "Y… yeah…" she stammered. He averted his gaze and forced a smile on his thin lips. "We're here, m'lady," he said. "Right," she breathed out and took slow steps towards the entrance to her chambers. Her mind was boggled with various thoughts and she couldn't stop herself from stealing glances at her handsome bodyguard. "Levi," she turned around to face him. "Who is your girlfriend?" She couldn't believe she had the guts to ask, but as soon as she did, she calmed down. She was interested in his response. His lips moved apart. He had slightly flushed his pale cheeks, which she could detect even in the hallway's low lighting. As he shifted on his feet, a timid smile formed on his lips. "I… I don't have one, M'lady," he replied. Frowning, "why? You're handsome. Surely lots of girls would love to be yours. Isn't there a girl you like in this kingdom?" Kathleen questioned peering deeply into his eyes. Once again, Kathleen saw it in his eyes - sorrow. This time she was sure that she wasn't imagining things. "I… uh… no one, malady," he lowered his gaze. Kathleen shook her head. "Don't lie to me, Levi. I can see it in your eyes." He pursed his lips and remained silent for a while before looking at his superior and offering a polite smile. He knew that being a royal vampire, she could read others' minds and that was what he was afraid of. He didn't want her to read his. "I should go, m'lady," he uttered. He would have left if she hadn't held his hand, urging him to look at her. A shiver ran down his spine when he saw the way she was staring at him. Her eyes started to glow and he knew that he was in trouble. Yet, he didn't dare to slap her hand away and leave. He just couldn't do that to her. "Levi," she whispered while staring deep into his eyes. "Do you like me?" He went numb. Of course, he liked her. He liked her more than a royal guard should like his senior. For months he had struggled to ignore and suppress his passion, yet, it was useless. He didn't have any control over his heart. He was unable to prevent himself from sinking into the abyss of love. His breathing hitched. Rendered speechless by the impulsive confrontation, he stared back at her and shook his head. It couldn't happen. He was a common soldier and she was the Princess. Why would she reciprocate his emotions? Besides, falling in love with her might land his family and him in deep trouble. He couldn't risk that. "N…no…" he lied. She started to laugh and his heart plummeted to his stomach. "Levi," she whispered through her chuckles. A mischievous smile curled on her glossed lips as she took a step closer to him. Her eyes continued to glow as she crept closer and closer until their faces were just a few inches away from each other. Levi sucked in a breath. He knew that she probably read his mind and was now playing with his feelings. Regardless, he couldn't step back. He liked being close to her. Her eyes twinkled as she wrapped her arms around his neck. "But I like you." Without any hesitation, she crashed her lips on his and closed her eyes savouring the moment. She allowed her senses to lose control. There was no other place she desired to be. He liked her and she liked him. She knew what she wanted. It was him. Though stupefied by the unexpected kiss, Levi hesitantly snaked his arm around her thin waist. He couldn't believe it. It was too good to be true. Did she really like him? He found himself relaxing and responding to the movements of her lips. He closed his eyes. Oh, how he wished that time would stop. But she is the Princess! His eyes flung open and he shoved her away as though she was a hot piece of coal. Gasping for breath, he took a step back. "I'm sorry…" he stammered and backed off before running away from her. Kathleen was heartbroken and at the same time confused. She was sure that she had read his mind correctly. So what went wrong? "Levi!" Her voice reverberated in the corridor as she ran after him. "Stop!" She managed to catch up to him and grab his hand before he fled down the stairs. "What's wrong? Don't you like me?" Her voice quivered as she asked him. Hearing the distress in her voice, Levi looked at her. Her glossed eyes made his heart skip a beat. His lips parted and his face softened. He didn't mean to make her cry. He gulped. "I…" he sighed. "Yes, Princess. I like you. But I'm sorry I crossed the boundaries. I will make sure that will never happen again. I… I will go and resign from being a royal guard…" "Levi… stop," Kathleen cut him off. "You didn't cross any threshold. It was I who kissed you." He lowered his gaze. "But… I should have known not to fall in love…" "Levi," Kathleen cupped his face. "I love you too. Falling in love isn't a crime." His head snapped in her direction as he wondered if she was being serious. He tilted his head, wishing that he too could read her mind and see if she was being honest. He chuckled to himself. Nah. She must be joking."It's okay, m'lady. I… let me go back…" Kathleen felt her heart sink. "You don't believe me…" Kathleen whispered in panic. "What can I do to prove my love for you?" She looked around, frantically thinking of a way to verify her love for him. Her eyes drifted towards the window. The sky showed signs of the rising sun and she knew that the night was almost over. It was almost time for her and everyone else to go to sleep. Perhaps she should put herself to eternal sleep. Would Levi believe her then? She peeked at him with determination. "I will prove my love for you," she let out and dashed towards the window. Levi was initially baffled by what she was about to do. But as soon as he did, he felt as though the ground under him was trembling. He ran after her. Even if it meant that he had to sacrifice himself to keep her safe, he wouldn't hesitate. He agreed to serve as her bodyguard two years ago for this very reason. Using his super speed, he dashed after her and dragged her towards safety. "Don't be stupid!" He whispered, rather forcefully as he pinned her against the wall. "But you wouldn't believe me!" she complained. Breathing heavily, he searched her eyes for signs of lies but when he couldn't find any he sighed. "I believe you," he said. Kathleen's eyes lit up with hope. "I love you, Levi." He felt his heart skip a beat. It was so good to hear her say that. Tracing her cheek, he smiled at her. "I love you too," he whispered back. Tears of joy gathered in her eyes as she rejoiced internally. "Then kiss me," she whispered. He went rigid as he wasn't expecting that from her. Kathleen saw his reluctance. "I order you to kiss me." He softly touched her face while gazing tenderly into her eyes. He couldn't remember how many times he had fantasised about that moment, but when it actually happened, he was anxious. He leaned forward, brushing one hand through her long, brown hair. "You don't know how much I yearn for this," he whispered. A sincere kiss was shared between them. Up until they had to take a breath, their lips were in perfect harmony while their half-dead hearts were beating in unison within their chests. They both felt at home in each other's embrace. It was as though they were matching pieces of a puzzle. They were conscious of being in their rightful place. However, it was impossible to overlook the fact that their love was unlawful. "Your dad is going to kill me," Levi muttered, still holding her in his arms. Kathleen looked into his face and then rested her head on his chest. "He won't. If he wants to hurt you, he will have to kill me first," she replied. Levi snickered. "I won't let anyone lay a finger on you, my love." "What is the meaning of this?" The king's thunderous voice resounded in the aisle, startling the young lovers. With her heart beating erratically, Kathleen looked at her father. Levi quickly stepped away from her and lowered his gaze. He knew he was in trouble, but to him, Kathleen was worth all the turmoil and pain he would have to endure. "D…dad…" Kathleen held her chin high despite the fear she hid in her chest. "I… I love him. I found the one I want to marry." Narrowing his eyes, "what?" king hissed. Kathleen knew she had to be careful with her words if she didn't want to anger her father. She knew that they wouldn't survive if he chose to punish them. "Dad. I have loved him for a long time and tonight, I realised that he too felt the same. Please, dad. My happiness is with Levi. You want me to be happy, right dad?" The King's eyes softened. He glanced between the two youngsters who he had trusted with his heart. His daughter kept looking at him hopefully, while Levi seemed to be reluctant to make eye contact. He sighed as though in defeat. "Levi," he said. "Why her? Why my daughter? Is it because she is the Princess?" Levi looked up and firmly shook his head. "I love her because she is beautiful inside and out. I don't care if we have to live under a bridge, I would love her all the same." Kathleen's heart swelled when she heard his affirmation. Her face beamed as she cast a hopeful glance at her father. "Come on dad. You know that he isn't lying," she said. The King reluctantly offered a smile and held his hand out for his daughter which she gladly accepted. "You know that your happiness is all that matters to me," he said, kissing her forehead. Kathleen cast a gleeful glance at her lover who was now grinning from ear to ear. Who would have thought that it would be this easy? "So as our tradition, we can now have your engagement on new year's eve. Levi, this is a lot of commitment. You aren't only going to be responsible for my daughter, but the whole kingdom. Are you confident that you will be able to take the responsibility?" The king's eyes peered into Levi's. "With her by my side, yes, I will. I vow to be her support when she is crowned Queen. I will protect her with my life if I had to," he vowed. Seemingly satisfied with his answer, the King nodded his head and sent the orders to carry out the preparations for the grand ceremony. Weeks passed by. Everything seemed perfectly fine. Kathleen's excitement grew as the day drew closer. It was the night of the Grand Ceremony. Kathleen wore the black laced gown that all vampire Princesses wore and went towards her father's quarters to see what he thought about it. She was about to enter the room when she heard something that she never thought she would. She heard something that made her freeze on her step. "He will go to the ceremonial house in a while. Now, go there and wait in the ambush. Capture him and kill him before anyone else sees you." Her father's words seemed like poison to her ears. Kathleen felt as though the world stopped revolving. She couldn't move a muscle. She couldn't even blink. Dumbfounded, she remained frozen, hidden from plain view as she listened to her father. She couldn't believe her ears. Her father had just given out orders to kill Levi- the love of her life. The sound of the scampering footsteps told her that her father's warriors were hastening to carry out the orders. She quickly hid behind a pillar until all the warriors left. She was shocked. It was supposed to be one of the best days of her life. Her father had promised her that he didn't mind that Levi was a simple guard. He said that he didn't care about the class differences. He vowed that all he wanted was for her to be happy, even if that meant that she, the Crown Princess, wanted to marry her guard. So he lied. It was all lies. She covered her mouth since she didn't want to alarm her father, picked up her skirt, and slowly backed off until her pace picked up and broke into a sprint. She ran as fast as she could. Time wasn't with her and if she wanted to save his life, she had to be fast. She lunged into her room and locked the door behind her before grabbing her phone with her trembling fingers. "Levi…" she wheezed as she hastily dialled his number. "Hey, beautiful. I am ready to leave," he said cheerfully as soon as answered the call. "No! Levi! Don't go! It's a trap!" "What?" Levi sounded uncertain. "Don't go! I just… wait," she glanced at the closed door and rushed towards the wall, fearing that someone might be listening to her. "Levi," she whispered as she struggled to speak as calmly as she could. "Don't go. I just overheard my father…. He… he has sent his men to wait in ambush. He ordered them to kill you. Please Levi," she cried. Silence followed. Levi was shocked to hear her say that but he knew that Kathleen wouldn't lie to him. "Now what?" Kathleen thought about it. She knew that neither of them was safe if they stayed in the kingdom. They had to escape. "Don't trust anyone. Escape and meet me on the roof of the Palace. We are leaving this kingdom." She hurriedly changed into her battle attire before scaling the window. She summoned her vampire skills to ascend the Palace walls until she was on the roof, where she awaited her lover. After about an hour which felt like an eternity, Levi showed up on the roof. "Hey," he gasped for breath. "It was hard to enter the Palace without being seen…" He trailed off when she ran into his arms and buried her tear-stained face in his chest. "I'm so sorry, Levi. I thought he was being genuine," she muttered. "I know, my love," he whispered, tilting her face so that he could gaze into her eyes. "I am not scared of death. But I fear what might happen to you after my demise." More tears streamed down her pale cheeks. Stifling her sobs, she gazed down at the warriors who were now running around all over the place. "I am guessing that they have discovered that I am not in the room," she scoffed. "Yes. The whole kingdom is on alert. I was barely able to blend in with the warriors who were covering their faces," he sighed as he gazed at the chaos unfolding below them. "We don't have much time. But where do we go?" Despite having her spirit shattered, she strengthened her resolution. If her father could deceive her like that, she too would do the same. Especially if that meant she would save Levi and herself. "Anywhere but here. The human world, if we have to," she said. Nodding his head, "We must leave," he whispered. Kathleen nodded her head and held his hand before morphing into a tiny bat: a form the vampires rarely used. Levi followed her and shifted into a little black bat. The two creatures flew off into the night, never to return to the Kingdom of the South. They managed to find an abandoned house in a human city where they spent the night. The humans were fully prepared to welcome the new year. Kathleen and Levi watched the celebrations of the new year from their new home. The humans of the city had gathered on the streets. The gorgeous lights and sounds of the fireworks left Kathleen in awe. "3…2….1… HAPPY NEW YEAR!" They listened to the humans scream out their joy, awestruck by it. "Isn't it odd that mortals are ecstatic that the earth has made one rotation around the sun?" Levi jested, amused by the humans. Snickering at his comment, Kathleen kissed his cheek. "Let them do their thing, Levi. This is our new home now." On the eve of the new year. Levi and Kathleen started a new phase of their lives... just not in the manner they had anticipated. Pen name: Z Ali Works on Dreame, You Rejected Me, Remember? (Now available on Am.az.on as paperback) The Warrior's Abused Mate In Love With My Best Friend Luna Kiara His Lost Lycan Princess Draco's Quest Her Vengeance The Abandoned Boy The Second Wife Redemption of a Queen Taming the Dragon King Pen name: Z.Ali Go.od.novel. Rejected and Forsaken Only You Unexpected Love With the Mafia Don FB group: Zali's Books Ins.ta: authorz.ali
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