4| Pack Efron

1381 Words
CASSANDRA We arrived in Everna. I stood in front of the Efron family's house. There is a signboard written on the front of the fence. Starting today, I must change my last name to Cassandra Efron. Mom got out of the car and stood beside me. Together we gazed at and admired the splendor of the Efron family home. "This house is very nice, Mom. It feels like a dream to live here. I never expected a house as grand and luxurious as this. Even though simple, having a permanent place to live is enough for me." "Right, right?" Mom said. "Moon Goddess has been very kind to us. From now on, you will have a comfortable place to live and a family that will love and protect you, Cass." The gate made of wrought iron opened automatically. We were greeted by the maids, all wearing dark gray uniforms. The male and female servants lined up lengthwise in an elegant manner without gaps. Davies ordered his servants to unload our personal effects from the car. While his two sons had already entered the house. "How rich is Davies Efron, Mom? Not only is the house grand and luxurious, but he also has many servants here." I kept whispering to Mom. "Davies has everything. He is the strongest Alpha King in Everna. Starting today, we can live in peace and comfort under the protection of Davies and his pack. You don't have to worry about anything, Cass. We don't need to run anymore." Davies gave us a quick tour to get to know the main parts of the house. We were taken around. Not only does the Davies extended family live there, but also several families of betas, gammas, and omegas who work around the pack. "We live in the main house, Cass. And your room is here," Davies said, pointing to a room for me on the second floor. "Are you guys going to live here too?" I was so scared that I had to be separated from my mom in a place as big and foreign as this. Mom smiled while clinging coquettishly to Davis' arm. "Don't worry, Cass. Of course, we will all live here. Davies and I will be in the master suite." Davies nodded. They are like a pair of lovers in love. Actually, I'm sick of seeing it, but this is the most beautiful thing I can give to Mom. "You don't need to worry because Zachary's and Erick's rooms are on the right and left sides of your room. If you need something, you can ask them for help. If you feel awkward, you can call the servants in this house." I looked towards the bedroom door, and I couldn't tell which side was Zach and which was occupied by Erick. I looked at my own bedroom door, which was still closed. I got goosebumps looking at it. How can I sleep surrounded by two brothers who are both handsome? One of them became my first love. And another one once made love to me. "Are you all right, Cass?" asked Mom. I immediately removed the image of Zach and also Erick from my mind. I shook my head to get my sanity back. "Yeah, Mom. I'm fine." I smiled stiffly. "Davies, thanks for the tour. I promise to be careful and take care of myself while staying here. I won't cause trouble and make a fuss." Davies chuckled. "Be as casual as possible, Cass. Because you are already part of this family. This house is also your house. Make yourself as comfortable as possible. Have a good rest. We'll be back in the room." After Mom and Davies left, I breathed a sigh of relief. I dragged my suitcase and opened the bedroom door. "Well, from now on, we will live in the same house, huh?" shouted Erick, who suddenly appeared from the room to my right. I stuttered to see it at the same time and blushed shyly. "Having a little sister this big really makes my heart flutter. Moreover, my little sister is charming and adorable. You also have a passion that…" "Stop it, Erick! We've agreed not to talk about it anymore. Don't keep teasing and harassing me. I don't want you to cross the line." Erick moves very fast. When I came to my senses, he had moved to my side. He whispered the words right in my ear. "I'm sorry because you are adorable. When we are at home, we have become brothers. So don't be too stiff." Erick held out his hand. I protected my body vigilantly. He rubbed the top of my head. Completely unexpected. I feel so embarrassed. A strange vibration ran from my chest all over my body. What is this feeling? I've never been treated like this. Is this what it feels like to be cared for by an older brother? "Have a good rest, Cassandra. Tomorrow you have to go to your new school." Erick returned to his room. While I was still frozen in front of my bedroom door while bowing my head. I hide my embarrassed face behind bangs and flowing hair. My cheeks felt so hot, and my heart was pounding so fast. No one had ever treated me that well, and no one had ever watched me so intensely. It turns out that Erick has a warm side that is the opposite of his nature. As I was about to put the suitcases into the room, I saw Zach had just arrived on the second floor. He was moving towards me. I glanced into the room to my left. Of course, Zach will go to his room. When he saw that I was still standing in the corridor, Zach looked at me coldly and tried to look away. We were both standing before the door and going to our respective rooms. Without turning his head, Zach said softly to me. "About the incident in the car… let's just say it was just an accident. I've never really taken it seriously. So don't feel like you're special." He walked into the room and left the offended me alone at the door. "What the hell is he? I don't want it either! He was the one who attacked me in the car and pushed me until everything just happened." I quickly entered the room and locked the door tightly. My chest is still beating fast, remembering the last time we were in the car before leaving for Everna. I don't know what got into Zach's mind at that time. Suddenly he pushed me into the backseat of the car and planted one hot kiss on my lips. I touched my now throbbing lips. It feels like it just happened. After he kissed me roughly and hotly, we spent the journey to Everna in silence. "Why did Zach do that to me? Why was Zachary being so rude? He was completely different from the Zach I admired. Even though I always dreamed of getting a kiss from him, this is not what I expected." Memories after memories that have happened between me, Zach, and also Erick really make me hot. Even though the temperature tonight was low, profuse sweat was pouring down my body. "I can't sleep sticky and sweaty. I'd better take a shower and clear my mind." I rushed to the bathroom on the second floor. During the room tour, Davies showed me bathrooms where I could freely use them without fighting over them. I went to the end of the corridor. The house is already quiet. People need more time to move. The bathroom should be empty, and I can soak without rushing. I reached out to open the bathroom door. But the doorknob moved first. Someone opened it from inside. I took my hand back and took a step back. I really wonder if anyone was in the bathroom. He came out, and I could only stare at him with eyes wide open. "Uh, so fresh!" Erick appeared wearing only a tiny towel wrapped around his waist. His entire body was barely covered in anything. He's so hot. "What are you doing?" I screamed in panic. Immediately I turned my face and covered my eyes with my hands.
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