Snap Out Of It

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[Tabitha’s POV] "No!" I gasp, my eyes flying open, to find that I’m still on the dance floor of Morte Diem and not in one of the play rooms above being f****d within an inch of my life. "Get the f**k away from me!" Feeling a wave of disgust rush through me, I move from between the two men and take in their amused expressions. "What is it, baby girl?" Allister asks, taking a few steps toward me. "Was what we could do to you too much? You looked like the type that liked to play, but I guess we pegged you wrong." Too much? He had to be f*****g kidding me. I wouldn’t mind that at all, but for it to be done by vampires... There was no f*****g way. "What the f**k are you even doing here?" I growl, reaching for the stake I always kept in a hoister on my thigh. "Vampires don’t intermingle with the rest of the supernatural world!" As a rule, those who lived in the dark stayed in the dark, but here they were among the rest of us. Fuck, this was bad. How could I have let my guard down that easily and even almost do things with disgusting blood suckers? What in the world would my parents or even my brother think? Feeling my heart squeeze painfully, I pull my stake and prepare to attack, but I am stopped as Allister wraps a large hand around my wrist and squeezes, so pain shoots up my arm. "Not here, princess," he warns, leaning in close and running his teeth along my skin. "If someone gets hurt in the process, it will be on you." Gasping, I let my eyes rake the area around me, taking in those that were watching us in shock. "I suggest that you be a good girl and drop your weapon." Gritting my teeth, I consider trying a different attack, but stop as Vance’s large body presses against my back, pinning me between him and his brother. "It’s a shame that our meeting has to end here," he sighs, pressing his lips against my throat. "But don’t worry, baby girl, we’ll meet again soon." With that, he presses his canines into my skin, sending waves of fiery pain through me as what I know is his mark begins to spread across my skin. At the same time, Allister brings my wrist to his lips and bites down so that his mark burns into my skin as well before both disappear, and I’m left standing stunned in the middle of the club. Cursing, I whirl around searching for the bastards, although I’m sure they’re gone while the crowd continues to watch. "What?" I hiss, fixing my glare on a woman with glowing blue eyes and sparkly skin. "Enjoying the show?" "Tabitha!" Bonnie gasps, rushing forward and grabbing me before I can go on a rampage. "What the hell was that? What were you thinking?" "Vampires," I hiss, looking down at the silvery mark that looks like a rose, which now rests on my wrist. "There were vampires here." "Vampires?" She repeats, her eyes growing wide. "But how?" Not bothering to respond, I turn and make my way toward the bar, where the bartender who fed me whatever that damned drink was stands looking amused. "Yes?" He asks, c*****g a brow. "Are you looking for another fix?" "Who owns this club?" I demand, slamming my hands on the counter. "What kind of place puts their patrons in danger by allowing vampires to come and go as they please?" For a moment, the bartender doesn’t respond. "I am," he announces. "And my club is for all who are looking for an escape from their mundane lives. Who I allow to come here is my business and mine alone." "You do know that could be considered breaking the law, correct?" I challenge, fighting the sudden urge to beat the s**t out of the man in front of me. "Then are you wanting to cuff me and take me in?" The bartender challenges. "All because of your prejudices against a certain species." Prejudice… This went beyond f*****g prejudice! The whole reason that these rules were set in place was so that humans and supernaturals could live freely amongst one another without fear. How was that possible when the vampires were starting to infiltrate our bubble of peace? In the past, they attempted to take control over all beings, but after a bloody battle, they were forced to stay away. It was in that battle that my parents died, but not before killing the vampire leader at the time. That was the reason they came after my brother and me, taking everything away from me. "I will not stop them from coming and going as they please until I’m given a reason otherwise," the bartender continues. "Now, if you’ll please leave this establishment, as you’ve made enough of a scene." As he speaks, his eyes flash dangerous gold, and I know that I’ve overstepped my boundaries, but if he thought this was over, he was wrong. "If I see them here again, then I will do something," I warn, narrowing my gaze. "I suggest that you be on your best behavior." Allister’s POV "Did you notice she tastes odd?" Vance asks as we make our way up the long, winding path that led to Tenebris Castle. "Something’s off about that human." Since leaving Morte Diem, that was the only f*****g thing that had stayed on my mind. The way that woman’s blood tasted like smoky wine left me wanting more. I felt parched, and it was unsettling just how badly I wanted to sink my teeth into her soft flesh and drink my fill. "It was strange," I agree, trying to ignore the desire that was beginning to grow to turn back and take her for my own. When Vance suggested we pay a visit to the relatively new supernatural club on Main Street, I didn’t expect to run into something so interesting but unnerving all at once. However, since leaving, she was the only thing I could think about, and it was driving me f*****g crazy. "She won’t be able to stay away for too long." I shrug, and I'm not sure if I'm trying to convince myself or Vance. "We simply have to wait until our toy comes, begging us to take her." The thing about our venom was that it slowly began to eat away at its victim, driving them mad until they couldn’t resist coming to find their masters. Even if the woman had denied us this evening, she would eventually give in, like the obedient little slut she was. Once they were ours, we could do what we wanted with them, and they would love every f*****g second of it. "I hope she comes sooner than later," Vance murmurs, licking his lips. Letting out a sigh, I simply clap him on the shoulder and then head toward my dark room, where my slaves should be waiting for me. I had hoped to get my d**k wet in that woman, but since it didn’t happen, I would have to make do with what I had. Inside, Vanessa, my favorite pet, is already cuffed to a table with her ass in the air, waiting for me to make her scream my name. Beside her, Maria, my other favorite is playing with herself while she fingers Vanessa. Both women's moans stop the minute I enter the room, and their glazed eyes come to rest on me, waiting for commands. "Master," Maria purrs, licking her lips in anticipation. "We’ve been waiting for you to return home.” "Have you?" I growl, taking a big whiff of the scent of their pheromones that already fills the room. "Have you gotten nice and wet for me then?” Moving forward, I begin to undo my shirt and then toss it on the ground while keeping my gaze fixed on Vanessa's soaked p***y, waiting for their response. "Yes, master," the moan in unison, causing my d**k to twitch with excitement. "Then be a good pet and get on your f*****g knees for me, baby," I order Maria. “And open that pretty mouth.” As she obeys my command, I undo my pants, releasing my painful erection from that vision of utter perfection in the club with that woman. Fuck, it was disappointing that I didn’t get to f**k her, and I was feeling rather annoyed by it. How the f**k did August’s concoction stop working so damn quickly? Had it only lasted a bit longer, I would have had her exactly where I wanted her. "Come here," I growl, fixing my gaze on Maria. "Come and suck your master’s d**k, and don’t you dare f*****g stop until I’ve filled your throat with c*m. I’m in a bad mood, and you’re going to help make it better.” “Of course,” she beams. “Whatever my master wishes is my pleasure.”
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