
1254 Words

[Allister’s POV] “One,” the word puffs out of my mouth as I pull myself up and then drop back down. “Two.” I continue this pattern again and again until my irritation begins to die down. Three days had passed since I got to taste that woman, and even now I found myself craving her blood, but despite the need growing in me, I didn’t search for her. There were rules in place for the chase and hunting, but the one we were playing with down wasn’t among them. Huffing, I release the pull-up bar and drop to my feet before walking over to the bench, where my towel and water wait for me. When I reach, I wipe the sweat from my face and my chest before taking a long drink. Looking around the room, I consider whether or not I should do a couple more reps, but I decide against it. Throwing my to

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