
1236 Words
Cameron 'You belong to me,' Aero snarls at Elpis. 'Cameron,' Destiny mind links me. 'Come on,' I say to Aero, and he backs away from Elpis. The pure white she-wolf gets up and bounds into the woods, leaving us in awe. I can't believe what I saw. Here, I thought that Yvonne Blackburn was without a wolf. 'Cameron,' Destiny's light grey wolf, Everly, trots up to us. 'Are we going to finish the run?' 'Yes,' I mutter as Yvonne's floral scent lingers, causing Aero to resist me. Ever since I rejected Yvonne, he has been angry at me and vowed never to accept Destiny or Everly. With a growl, we take off running, find the rest of the pack, and lead them back to the field. The party commences, and I head back to my room with Destiny. 'I will not mark her,' Aero declares. 'She is our mate,' I argue. 'She is your mate,' He growls and retreats. I look at Destiny and she looks so beautiful tonight in her green dress that highlights her pale blue eyes. I wrap my arm around her and unzip the dress. I then kiss her, but her face turns to Yvonne's. "s**t," I mutter. "What's wrong, Cam?" Destiny asks. "Nothing, baby," I tell her. "I need a moment. Get undressed and into bed," I demand. Destiny frowns but does as I say. I walk into the bathroom and lean against the counter. I splash water on my face and stare at myself in the mirror. Yvonne's curly red hair keeps appearing in my mind. 'I do not want her,' I snarl. 'Yes, you do,' Aero laughs. I pound my fist against the counter, "f**k," I groan from the pain. "Cam?" Destiny calls. Sighing, I walk out of the bathroom. Destiny is lying naked on the bed. Her blonde hair cascading down her body. I sigh as I start to take off my suit. It feels more like a chore than a desire as I climb into bed and take Destiny into my arms. I kiss her on the lips, and they taste weird to me. "Oh, Cameron," she moans, and I want to vomit. I blink my eyes and see Yvonne in front of me. Sighing, I push Destiny away. "What's wrong?" Destiny asks. "I'm so sorry, baby," I mutter. "I just, "I trail off. "I am tired. It was a long day. Maybe tomorrow we will." Destiny frowns, "Okay," she sighs and rolls over, facing away from me. I sigh loudly and lay in bed, staring at the ceiling. My eyes eventually close, and I dream about Yvonne and her pure white wolf. My alarm goes off the following day, and I immediately roll out of bed. "Cameron," Destiny lifts her head. "What?" I nearly yell at her. "I have to get to work." "Oh," she sighs. "You do whatever you want today," I grumble and head into the bathroom. I take a long, very hot shower to try and rid my mind of Yvonne, but it doesn't work. "What do I have to do?" 'She is your mate,' Aero points out. Sighing I turn off the shower and dry off. Walking out of the bathroom, I glance at the bed, and Destiny is asleep. I stare at her momentarily, then head into the closet, where I put on my new Armani suit. I look at myself in the mirror as I comb my dirty blonde hair. I then leave the closet and exit the room. "Cameron," My father calls to me down the hall. "Hey, Pop," I respond. "Up earlier than everyone else," He grins. "That's my boy." "Yeah," I mutter as we get onto the elevator. "What are you doing up so early?" "I don't know how to sleep in," He laughs. "So, I'm going for a run." "Cool," I breathe out. We get to the ground floor, and I head for the office. My dad's stuff is still all over the walls. I will be redecorating soon, but I'll leave it as is for now. The huge oak desk has been in this office since my great-great-great-something grandfather founded the pack. Sitting behind it feels like the greatest honor of my life. I turn on the computer and get to work. An hour later, Aidan and Dylan show up. "Hey, Cam," Dylan greets me. "What a wild night, huh? Who knew Yvonne the freak had a wolf," he says, and I must refrain from growling. "Did you know, Aidan?" Aidan shrugs, "I knew she had a wolf. I didn't know she could shift." I sigh and say nothing, "Do you guys have anything to report?" "No, not yet," Dylan remarks. "So, is Yvonne a royal?" He asks. I want to punch him. "I don't know," Aidan responds. "I just know my grandma Saffron dropped her off and told Mom and Dad to watch her. Then Mom fell in love, and well," He trails off. I sigh and glance at the computer screen. I see an email from King Brockton and open it. I only skim the message and close it. "Was that an email from the King?" Dylan asks. I glare at my gamma, "Get to work, Dylan," I mutter. "Someone is cranky this morning," Aidan laughs. "Shut up," I groan. "Isn't King Brockton dying or something?" Dylan asks. I ignore him and focus on answering emails from other packs. We are negotiating with Alpha Floyd Weathers over the northern part of our territory. He wanted to log some of the trees, and I remember Dad saying no. Hours later I am standing in front of the windows looking out over the field. Yvonne will not leave my mind. I look down and see her walking with Aidan's mate and son. She is laughing and playing with the pup. She doesn't seem one bit hurt about being rejected. 'I hate her,' I mutter as the phone rings. Sighing, I walk over to the desk and pick it up, "Alpha Cameron," I say. "Alpha Cameron," A clean male voice answers. "I am Nathan Wright, Royal Beta." "What can I do for you, Beta?" I ask. "I have heard rumors that a pure white royal wolf was seen in your territory," He begins. "Who told you that?" I say. "Elder Clemmons," The royal beta replies. "So?" I huff. "Many years ago, the daughter of King Geoffery and Queen Beatrice was kidnapped. We have been searching for many years. And as you know only wolves of the royal line are pure white," The Royal Beta explains. "I see," I sigh. I knew that. "So, I will be coming to your pack in a few days to meet with this white wolf," he says. "King Brockton would like to come, but his illness won't allow him to travel so far." "I would be honored if you came, Beta," I say robotically, though deep down, I am annoyed. "Thank you, Alpha Marsh," the beta says before hanging up. 'Yvonne is not royal,' I tell myself. 'Did I reject a royal?' I realize. Sighing, I get up and leave my office. My head is swimming as I think about it. Yvonne is supposed to be a nobody. She was supposed to collapse upon my rejection, but she just took it in stride. I know that I have made a colossal mistake. Yvonne is mine, and she will be my Luna.
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